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I admit I felt a little guilty when Pidge suggested that we do a training session without Lance. I mean, it made sense from a logical point of view,  Lance was lagging behind in his training plus he wasn't going on the next mission so we should learn how to work without him. But it just felt mean, I felt like a bully as I walked into the training with everyone besides Lance. 

I leaned against the wall as Shiro and Allura explained what we would be doing, only half listening. This doesn't feel right  I thought as the bots dropped from the ceiling and we started. As we continued to fight I continued to think about the situation.  Lance has been acting strange lately, and come to think of it, I haven't seen him all day. I thought to myself in a steam of conscious. I was so distracted by my thoughts that I didn't see it when a bot came up behind me and hit me besides the head with its sword the last thing I heard before I fell unconscious was the whole team yelling my name. 

~time skip brought to you by kick~

I woke up midfall after the healing pod let me out an hour later. I fell into Shiro as he caught me. "Gave us a little scare there bro" (broganes for life bro) He said as I lifted myself off of him, I looked up and saw Hunk and Pidge right behind Shiro with Allura and Coran off to the side of the healing pod, Coran typing in something to make it do something. In the way back was Lance, his arms where crossed and he looked like he was concentrating on something. 

"Lance?" I asked, he looked up at me and everyone turned to look at him seemingly just realizing he was in the room. 

When Lance looked up at me I realized he looked mad. "What?" he asked harshly, his face screwed up in a glare. When no one answered he huffed and said "thanks for including me" then walked out of the room. 

Shiro sighed and shook his head "he'll get over it." We nodded in agreement and I was sent to my room to get dressed. 


I told Coran that I was going to the space mall for more face cream and didn't need an escort as a reason for my disappearance for the day. I didn't bother telling anyone else, I doubted they would even realize I wasn't there. I reality I was going out to look for a ship to take me to Vris. 

I couldn't take blue and the castle escape pods are far too small to carry anything, so here I was going to the space mall to look for a ship. 

I arrived in my casual outfit and a bandana to make sure no one recognized me. I asked where the ships were sold and was pointed to a large warehouse-like thing. there were large spaceships everywhere you looked and there were smaller ships wedged in-between.  It was pretty impressive. 

A dealer came up to me and was trying to sell me some weird exotic ship from a galaxy far away, the something falcon, when I saw a ship, brand new, shiny, not too large but it was not small either, it was shaped like a smaller version of the castle, and it was my favorite color, ocean blue. I went inside and the ships dealer, some old looking alien, took me around the inside. It had two bedrooms, a training deck, a pool, a connected kitchen dining room, a front deck with three seats in a triangle formation, and a small library.  

I asked the dealer how much it was and he said it was 10,000 units, a price I was more than willing to pay. I went back to blue and with her help, counted 10,000 units. I gave the dealer the money and said I would fly it home. What I really did was fly it to a moon, not too far from the castle, so that I could get to it when needed. 

~time skip brought to you by the ATLAS~

I arrived back at the castle and walked towards the training deck hoping to fit some training in today, but when I arrived the deck was already occupied by... the whole team. It hurt, oh did it hurt, to see the team training without me, they were doing so good too, besides Keith for some reason, he looked distracted. I left and when exploring the castle to distract myself from the pain, I came across an old training deck and decided to try and make it work so that I could train and not be interrupted.

I heard yelling and thinking there was an emergency I went down to see what was happing.  I saw Shiro holding an unconscious Keith over his shoulder. there was a large purple bruise on the top of his head. It should not have been hot. We waited there for an hour (I don't think they knew I was in the room) before Keith fell out of the pod. 

He fell into Shiro then pushed himself up, I suddenly remembered when I was injured and when I came out of the pod. 

*flashback* I came out of the pod to see... everyone clustered around in a circle talking about something, I still being a little drouzy wobbled over to them instead of going to my room. It registered later that they weren't really concerned about me and besides a hug from Hunk bless his soul, I didn't really get any recognition for being injured. *end of flashback*

I came out of my memory when Keith called my name, I lamely replied "What?" no one replied and the others looked fairly surprised that I was there 'typical' I thought as I glared at them. I felt a sudden burst of anger, how dare they train without me, not only did they do it in secret they didn't even seem the slightest guilty. "Thanks for including me," I said as I walked out of the room. 

My anger fled me when I left the room. The only thought I had was:

'Am I really that useless?'


BTW my friend found my account and I'm dying of embarrassment and she's probably reading this right now.


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