The Rain

63 2 0

October 27th, 2008


Trigger warning: homo/biphobia

"He kicked me out, Keith. He kicked me out."

This is my fault.

Oh my god.

This is all your fault.

Keith was speechless. It felt like time had stopped moving. Everything was cold. The air, Keith's heart, Lance's sobs over the phone.

"Lance... I..." Keith didn't know what to say, "Breathe, okay? And tell me what happened."

Lance was quivering, he was probably outside in the cold. Keith hoped he was walking to Hunk's house for the breakfast they give to him Katie and Matt in the morning. Keith hoped with all of his heart that Lance was going to get food and not crying alone.

"Lance... Please tell me." Keith begged.

Lance was breathing heavily, probably trying to slow down so he could get a sentence out, "Okay..." he took one more deep breath.

"It's okay, I'm right here, just tell me."

A sigh came from over the phone, "When I got home, Mom and I went up to my room, and she asked about if I was gay or not. I was telling her no. She tried to tell me that it was okay but she didn't really know how to feel about it. She said she loves me anyways and all of that..." Lance took another deep breath, "A couple hours after she left and went to bed with her boyfriend, I was awake crying because... Heh... I'm just as emo as you sometimes."

Keith rolled his eyes over the phone. Even when sad, Lance can still be funny.

"Well... I was awake, right? And mom's boyfriend came in. And he's terrifying so I was just trying not to cry. He sat down next to me and told me in his scary voice, 'Listen up, kid. I don't want no cocksucker, around my family.' I told him that I'm twelve and so I'm not. And he rolled his eyes so I also said that it's not his family, and uh..." Lance paused, coughing, "I kind of got my ass handed to me-"

"What the fuck did he do?" Keith snapped, jumping out of bed, struggling to get the fuck out of his pj's to get some normal clothes on, "I'll fucking kill him. If he put a hand on you I'll fucking kill him-"

"Keith... Keith stop."

"I swear to god, Lance!"

"KEITH." Lance yelled over the phone.

Keith was taken aback. He had never heard Lance yell before, "Okay... Okay, I'm sorry," Keith slipped his red flannel over his black t-shirt and sat back down, trying not to sound so upset, "Continue."

"He told me that he didn't want me coming back until I admitted that I didn't like guys. I told him to go to hell."

Keith sighed, "Dude I admire your spunk but if he's as crazy as you make him sound then that probably wasn't the best idea."

"I know, I know," Lance sniffed,

"Wait..." Keith thought out loud, "Isn't it, like, 100% illegal to kick an underage kid out of the house?"

"I don't know," Lance was trying not to sob, "My mom didn't kick me out. He threatened me. He said he'd hurt my sister or my mom or me... I don't fucking care about me getting hurt." Lance was beginning to sound angry, "But he threatened to hurt my mother."

Keith didn't know how to respond. There isn't much they can do, nobody'll believe two middle schoolers, "What if she leaves him?"

"Hell no. No fucking way. If she does that, it's not because I told her too," Lance sniffed again, "I want her to figure him out for himself." Keith could hear Lance punch or kick something over the phone, "FUCK. *sigh*I can't go to school today. I'm too scared. And... Fucked up and frustrated..."

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