Coffee Boy (A/S)

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"Takashi Shirogane," he told the girl behind the counter, who looked as if she deeply regretted asking his name.

"Your coffee should be ready in a moment sir," she said, keeping her composure despite the clearness of her discomfort at his name. He knew she couldn't spell it so he gave her a small smile.

"Shiro. Have a nice day."

She nodded, the discomfort leaving her face. "Thank you."

He walked over to one of the small tables, sitting at the chair. Shiro pulled a slim laptop from his bag, opening the tab labeled resumé.

He quickly scanned over the document, looking for any textual errors. Upon finding none for the fifth time that day, he closed the laptop and glanced at his phone screen 8:37.

"Shiro!" The barista called out. He picked the laptop up and half focused on putting it in his bag, taking the cup of coffee from the barista. He moves to leave the coffee shop, and runs in to someone, in his half focused state still trying to put his laptop in his bag.

Time seems to slow down as his coffee explodes all over himself and the other man. The searing liquid lands all over his dress clothes, and the other guys suit. "Shit," he growls, finally stuffing his laptop into the bag. "I'm so so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going."

He finally looked up at the man, who he now realized was strikingly beautiful. He blushes flustered. The stranger stared at him with warm hazel eyes for a moment then shook his head. "You're alright. I don't have anywhere to be for another two hours anyways."

"Oh ok. Thank you. Can I pay for your dry cleaning bill at least?"

The man smiled. "No, it's really ok. Let me buy you another coffee."

"I- uh-" what the hell was the protocol for this. You ruin a gorgeous mans suit and he offers to buy you coffee? Was he flirting or something? No no, this guy was way to handsome to be flirting with Shiro. But what could pretending he was hurt? "That would be ok- if you don't mind." He trails off, pressing his lips together to suppress a grin.

"Not at all..." he gives the words a hint of a question.

"Oh! It's Shiro." He sticks his hand out awkwardly. The other man takes it, giving a firm shake.



Adam does indeed buy him a coffee, and Shiro sends Keith a text to print his resumé for him. Keith leaves him on read, but Shiro cant bring himself to care. He was too lost in the rich chocolaty laugh of the smoking hot man in front of him.

Both of their shirts were most certainly stained, but somehow Adam didn't seem to mind.

Shiro glanced at the clock on his phone. 8:14.

He glances back up at Adam who was staring at him intensely, with those rich hazel eyes. "You know, Shiro. If I don't at least ask for your number it's a crime."

Shiro turned a shade of red that could be described as juicy tomato. "Are you... are you asking me for my number?"

"Ah, yes. I do believe I am." He gives Shiro a warm smirky smile, and he can almost feel the butterflies beating around inside his rib cage. Adam blinked behind his glasses waiting for a reaction.

"Y- yes of course," he answered finally, trying to regain his composure. He grabbed a napkin, trying to hide his shaking hands and pulled a pen out of his bag. XXX XXX-XXXX.

He handed Adam the messily written on napkin, and he smiled, folding it tenderly and putting it in his pocket. "Thanks Shiro. I had a nice time, but I really best be going. I do need to change still."

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