Starbright p.3 (A/R)

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Starbright, she calls herself. A new hero. I haven't gotten the chance to meet her yet. The media says she has the powers to manipulate the light spectrum. Her disguise is a white bodysuit that shimmers different colors of the rainbow when hit by the sun. She is 18 too.

Unlike with Araneae, Allura doesn't obsess over her identity, instead hoping that if she can find Araneae, she can find Starbright. I try telling her that that's unreasonable, but fail. It may be perfectly reasonable. Perhaps Starbright does attend my school.


I leap up to the top of a tower, perching on top of a pole. In the distance a gleam of silver catches my eye. A stolen necklace perhaps? Or a new part for a machine to end humanity. I jump into the sky, free falling towards the earth. I spray a web out, catching a building. I fly over Altea City towards the gleam. I quickly see that it's Starbright, standing on top of a tall building. I jump and flip up, landing next to her.

"Well good evening Starbright." I say, resting my arm on a heating unit.

She turns. "Oh, hello Araneae. It's- nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine."

"Hey- Do you think you could get me into Voltron?" She stands fully facing me now, a foot apart.

I feel my cheeks turning red under my suit. "I- you should probably try to get in on your own."

She nods. "Mature."



The next time we meet she has gotten into Voltron, by way of her own. She is in the lions with me. When Coran brings her around, I can tell she is nervous around him. I assume she is just nervous. He is after all, famous. Coran and I share a smile.

"So, looks like you got in."

"Looks like I did."

"I should take you out. You deserve it."

"Are you asking me on a date?" She asks, teasingly.

"N- no." Was I? I blush at the thought. She walks closer to me, taking my hand in hers.

"Sounds like you might be."

"No, I'm sorry... there's someone I really like."

She giggles. "Darn." She says teasing. "Well, still yes."

I lead her out, leaving my hand in hers. "Can you fly?"

"Sort of? I can manipulate light, so I can use it to push myself through the air."

I nod. "Alright. Let's go then." We stand in front of a large open window. I drop her hand and leap out, letting her follow me as I race across the city, dancing from building to building. I land in front of a coffee shop, waiting for her to land gently next to me.

"My favorite place to go." I say, leading her in. I order a caramel Frappuccino. She gets an iced coffee.

People ogle at us, as we drink our coffees, and a girl begs her mom to talk to us. We take a picture with her. Her mother thanks us for almost a full minute.

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