Merlin Imagine #2

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 Imagine You are Arthur's sister and Merlin your best friend tells you he has magic. But he also tells you he loves you.

Word Count: 864

Warnings: Merlin cuteness

"Y/n! Woah be careful your mother would kill me if something happened to you" Merlin panicked and Y/n laughed "Sorry, but what mother doesn't know will not hurt her" Y/n giggled and ran down to the stream and Merlin laughed and followed her down and picked her up "Merlin!" she screamed and he threw her into the water "I'll get you back!" she yelled back to her best friend and ran after him back to Camelot.

Merlin sighed and folded up Arthur's clothes and he heard a knock on the door. Y/n popped her head in and walked in "Ugh Arthur's is making you clean his clothes again, you just washed them two days ago" she groaned and Arthur walked in and raised a brow unknown to Merlin and Y/n. "Really I seem to remember two people by the names of Merlin and Y/n ruining those exact clothes two days ago. Ring a bell?" he folded his arms across his chest and Y/n smirked "Well if you hadn't challenged my throwing skills maybe your clothes wouldn't have needed to be washed again. Isn't that right Merlin" Y/n laughed and Merlin gave a slight head nod "She does have a point Arthur" he agreed with his friend and Arthur scoffed "Of course the best friends sticking together once again" he rolls his eyes and sits down at the table "Aww did we hurt Prince Arthur's feelings again?" Y/n ran around and hugged Arthur and pretended to cry "Merlin how could we do such a thing" she smiled and Arthur shook his head "I'm sure you are very sorry, Merlin I need you to clean my armour also and fix my bed. If you can manage that" Arthur states walking out and Y/n smirked "But Arthur poor Merlin can't do it all by himself maybe you will lend a helping hand" Y/n teased and Arthur smirked "No Y/n and you can't help him either, you're my sister but you can watch and make sure he does his work" he laughs and Y/n bowed "Of course my lord" she says and Merlin stifles some laughs and Y/n burst into laughter and Arthur chuckled "You never cease to amaze me dear sister. You always make me smile" and Y/n grinned "It's my pleasure brother" and Arthur left the room and Merlin sighed "I can help if you'd like Merlin. It's no trouble" Y/n pointed out and Merlin shook his head and bit his lip and looked at the door and contemplated on telling Y/n he has magic. 

A few hours later Merlin sighed in relief at finishing all the work in Arthur's chambers. Y/n had helped out which he was thankful for and decided to take a break. "Come let's go for a walk" Y/n suggested and the duo walked down the halls and out to the edge of the castle amongst some trees away from the castle. Merlin smiled at the sun and felt the cool but warm breeze glide over his face, he turned to Y/n who made shapes in the air and smiled. "Y/n I have to tell you something but promise you will not tell anyone it has to be a secret" Merlin told her and she nodded and Merlin took a deep breath "I have magic Y/n. I'm a warlock" he prayed she wouldn't leave or freak out or worse tell anyone. She smiled and giggled "How wonderful, can you do something for me?" she asked and he nodded and looked and saw some flowers and raised his hand and his eyes glowed gold and he made a heart out of the flowers. Y/n clapped and she stood up and closed her eyes and she thought "Alright Merlin, make something out of the water" she challenged and Merlin smirked and stood up also and made a unicorn out of the water and Y/n gasped and jumped up and down in excitement "Merlin you have magic it's amazing! I wish I did" she mumbled the last part and Merlin smiled "Y/n there is also something else I have to tell you...uh I love you" he said nervously and Y/n smiled and hugged Merlin "I love you too Merlin, for a while now I just thought you wouldn't feel the same way." Y/n explained and Merlin chuckled "No I have loved you the second I saw you, my heart skipped a beat around you, my palms would always get sweaty and I would always smile when I saw you" Merlin told her and she kissed his lips softly and Merlin felt his cheeks grow a little warm and Y/n smiled. 

"Let's go back to the castle otherwise Arthur will have a fit because he needs something done and I am not around" Merlin said and intertwined his fingers with Y/n's as they ran back to the castle and sure enough they heard a loud shout "Merlin! Where are you!" Merlin groaned and walked back into the castle and blew a kiss to Y/n and ran off smiling like an idoit. 

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