Chapter 2

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    They walked into the dining room and saw some Chinese food left on the table with a sticky note next to it with their names on it. "Tony must have left this for us," said steve as he grabbed two forks and bowls. He handed one of each to (y/n) and they dug into the food. As they ate, Steve kept stealing glances at (y/n). He couldn't help but think that the boy was not just cute, but he was also kinda sexy looking as well. Wanting to break the silence, Steve asked, "so, do you like chinese food? Do you have it often?" (Y/n) looked up from his plate and quickly swallowed his mouthful of food. "Yeah," (y/n) answered. "Chinese food is one of my favorite things to eat. I don't have it too often but I usually try to get it at least once a month." "That's good. I didn't even think about asking if you even liked Chinese food," replied Steve. They talked about random things as they finished their food. They quickly washed the dishes and Steve walked (y/n) to his room, conveniently placed across from his own. "So are you happy here?" Asked Steve. "Yeah I am. The people here are really nice and the training room is really cool." Steve smiled but quickly frowned when they reached their bedrooms. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow," said (y/n). "I guess so," replied Steve. (Y/n) went into his room and Steve went into his own. Once he closed his door he lightly banged his head on the door. "I'm so screwed." Throughout the night, all Steve thought about was (y/n). He was barely able to sleep because his thoughts wouldn't stop racing. He had many crazy images of (y/n) floating through his mind, and he kept thinking up different conversations or activities that (y/n) and him would do together. It was driving him crazy not being able to see (y/n) for a full night. He would just have to suffer until the morning.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~

    The next morning Steve woke up later than usual. He quickly got dressed and went into the kitchen to make breakfast. But surprisingly, (y/n) was already there making eggs and bacon. (Y/n) turned around and smiled at Steve. "Want any? I accidentally made more than necessary." Steve nodded and set up two plates. For once he was glad that the rest of the team took forever to get out of bed. "I didn't know you cook," Steve said while (y/n) set eggs and bacon on both their plates. "Well," (y/n) said, "before coming here I lived alone so I had to eat something every day. Learning how to cook was very useful." Steve was surprised. He learned two new things about (y/n) in the span of 5 minutes. He couldn't help but ask, "why did you live alone before coming here?" (Y/n) gave a small smile and looked away from Steve. "My parents found out I was gay. They couldn't stand looking at me after that so they just kicked me out." Steve walked over and hugged (y/n). "Well you're here now and everyone here will accept you," he said before pulling away. (Y/n) had a slight blush on his face before saying, "thanks." As they sat down to eat, Steve couldn't help but smile because now he knew that he has a chance to be with (y/n). For the rest of breakfast, they ate in silence until a few other members of the Avengers walked into the kitchen. Steve and (y/n) said good morning before getting up to wash the dishes. "Always the early riser and the early doer," Tony said to Steve. "And now I see you have a partner in crime to rise at the crack of dawn with." Steve chuckled. "Yeah," he said. "Now I have someone to keep me company for a little while until everyone else wakes up. Before (y/n) came, the mornings were so lonely." "Stop trying to guilt trip us, capsicle. Us normal people need our beauty sleep," said Tony as he made himself a cup of coffee. "Someone as beautiful as me doesn't need beauty sleep," smirked Clint. As the morning chatter begun, Steve noticed (y/n) slip away. He got up and followed (y/n) to his room but waited a few moments before knocking on his door. A few seconds after Steve knocked, (y/n) opened the door. "Oh, hey Steve, what's up?" (Y/n) asked. "Hi," Steve replied. "I just wanted to thank you for breakfast earlier. And I was also curious at to why you slipped away so quickly when everyone else came to the kitchen." (Y/n) looked surprised for a second before answering. "Well, breakfast was no problem," he said. "I make it every morning. But about slipping away, well, no one was really talking to me so there was no reason for me to be there. And also because I wanted to start getting ready for the day." Steve nodded before looking into (y/n)'s room. "Do you want help unpacking? I don't have any plans right now so we could do your room then go train if you want." (Y/n) smiled before moving out of the door way. "I would love your help. I honestly wasn't going to unpack until I needed something more than clothes." Steve chuckled while walking in and the two of them started to unpack. "So," (y/n) began as they continued unpacking, breaking the silence, "how old are you? You look pretty young. But you also look like you've been working with the Avengers for many years." Steve paused a second and looked up in thought. "Well," he said. "That's a bit of a controversial question. Before I was recruited as an Avenger, I was frozen for 70 years." At that, (y/n) looked up in surprise and disbelief. "Frozen?" He asked. "As in stuck in an ice box or an ice burg?" "Ice burg," Steve shrugged his shoulders. (Y/n) sat on the bed and Steve followed. "It must have been quite the change when you thawed." "It was but Shield tried to help me catch up. Though I still don't understand what Spiderman is saying half the time." (Y/n) chuckled and Steve couldn't help but smile at the cute boy. Steve slowly placed his hand on top of (y/n)'s and saw the boy blush. "What I do understand though," Steve continued, "is the fact that you're gay. And that you clearly have some sort of affection for me since you blush every time I come close to you. So because of that, I hope you don't mind me doing this." After finishing his sentence, Steve turned (y/n)'s head so they were facing each other, and he slowly moved his lips towards (y/n)'s. He kissed him softly at first, waiting to see what (y/n)'s reaction would be. Hesitantly, (y/n) kissed back just as soft as Steve. After feeling (y/n) kiss back Steve put more pressure into the kiss and slowly wrapped his arms around the waist in front of him. (Y/n) put his hands on Steve's shoulders and gasped when he was suddenly pushed back onto the pillow by Steve's weight. Steve took the opportunity to slide his tongue into the warm mouth and explore it. He began to deepen the kiss further once their tongues were together, making (y/n) moan. As they kept kissing, Steve heard a knock on (y/n)'s door. He groaned, not wanting to stop kissing the amazing man underneath him. But before the person at the door came in, Steve quickly jumped up, went back to unpacking (y/n)'s belongings, and acted casual. (Y/n) also heard the knock at the door, so once Steve jumped up, he quickly got up to open the door.

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