Chapter 9

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The next morning, Steve and (y/n) woke up late. "Good morning, (y/n)," Steve said before kissing (y/n) on the top of his head. "Good morning," (y/n) replied with a smile. They snuggled closer to each other, wanting to feel the heat radiating off the other. Steve would stroke (y/n)'s hair every so often as a reassurance that everything was real. After a while longer, (y/n)'s stomach growled loudly. "I think the house said it was hungry," chuckled out Steve. (Y/n) pouted slightly before replying, "well for that you can make your own coffee." Steve laughed as (y/n) got out of bed, put on his clothes, and headed for the door. Steve quickly jumped up and got dressed as well before following (y/n) to the kitchen. (Y/n) began making his coffee while Steve started cooking some bacon. Seeing Steve make breakfast, (y/n) decided he might as well make coffee for Steve too even though he said he wouldn't. As the bacon was sizzling on the pan, Steve got some eggs from the fridge and started cooking them on another pan. (Y/n) got out two mugs and poured the coffee into them, then set them on the table. He hopped onto the counter a safe distance from the sizzling pans and watched Steve make a delicious smelling breakfast. Steve smiled and snuck in a quick kiss before placing the bacon and eggs on plates. "This smells amazing," said (y/n) who was practically drooling. "Well, I hope it tastes as good as it smells," Steve said. "It definitely does," (y/n) said with satisfaction as he took a bite of the bacon and then the eggs. After Steve put the pans in the sink, he joined (y/n) by the table and they ate breakfast together. When they were done and they put their dishes in the sink, they both headed back down the hall and stopped in front of their rooms. "I'm going to train now, if you want to join me," (y/n) said. "Sure. I'll train with you," Steve said. "I'm just going to change my clothes quickly." They both walked into their rooms and put on workout clothes. They walked to the gym together and went to their separate stations. Steve wrapped his hands and started to hit his punching bags while (y/n) went to his knife throwing station. (Y/n) put in some headphones so he could listen to music while he practiced. After a few minutes Steve had already broke his first punching bag so he turned around to see how (y/n) was doing. He blushed slightly when he saw that (y/n) was dancing, mostly with his hips, to a song. Steve chuckled at the sight before turning back around and went to a new punching bag. He didn't want to risk going near (y/n) because he didn't want to possible get stabbed. After a while of punching and kicking, Steve finally broke his second punching bag. Dripping with sweat and breathing heavily from the exertion, he turned around to look at (y/n) again. He noticed that (y/n) was on his last knife and he was still dancing with his headphones in. (Y/n) felt Steve staring at him so he decided to show off some skill. With his eyes closed, (y/n) turned around and held the knife in front of him. He took a deep breath and visualized where the dummy was. He opened his eyes and sent a wink towards Steve before throwing the knife behind him, hitting the dummy where the heart would be. Steve was dumb struck. (Y/n) basically skipped towards Steve and kissed his cheek. "So what do you think about my trick?" (Y/n) asked knowingly. Steve broke out of his trance and looked at (y/n). "How did you do that without even looking?! That was amazing," exclaimed Steve. (Y/n) giggled and replied, "a lot of practice and concentration." "Well I guess I have to start practicing now then," Steve said jokingly. (Y/n) giggled again. "Want to give it a try?" He asked. "Sure," Steve replied. "I'm not promising I'll hit the bullseye though." "That's fine," (y/n) said as they both walked towards the dummies. "It's your first try." (Y/n) pulled a few knives out of one of the dummies, and walked over to Steve who was standing at a distance, ready to throw the knives. (Y/n) handed Steve a knife and instructed him about his position. Steve stood in the instructed position and then threw the knife. The knife hit the dummy but didn't stick so it fell to the floor with a loud clang. "I haven't heard that sound in a while," said (y/n) chuckling. "But that's okay. I'll teach you how to hold the knife and throw it better." Steve nodded with a small embarrassed smile.

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