Chapter 5

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     Steve walked out of his room and went to the kitchen to find (y/n) already standing there eating a slice of pizza. "This pizza's really good," (y/n) said when he saw Steve. "You should take a slice before I eat it all. I'm starving." As (y/n) kept eating, Steve looked inside the pizza box to find only three more slices left. He quickly took one and started eating it. "Where are all the other Avengers?" Steve asked. (Y/n) shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. That's a good question. I haven't seen them all day. Maybe they're all on missions." Steve nodded. "Most likely. Fury hasn't given me any missions in a while. And you haven't gone on your first mission with us yet. Are you going to be ready when the time comes?" "I believe I will be," said (y/n). "I practice knife throwing almost every day and I'm pretty good at hand to hand combat so I'm not too worried. I just never worked in a team before." "Well it's not hard to get used to," Steve said. "After a few missions you should be used to it." "Hopefully," (y/n) said as he ate the last bite of his pizza. After Steve and (y/n) were done eating, they threw away the pizza boxes. "Apparently it's very nice out today," Steve said. "Want to go for a walk?" (Y/n) smiled. "Sure," he said. "It's nice to go out at least once a day." They each grabbed a light jacket and walked out of the compound. They walked around for a while before they walked into a coffee shop and bought two coffees to go. They went to a small park and sat on a bench secluded from other people. (Y/n) glanced at Steve before asking, "so what do you see for your future?" Steve raised an eyebrow. "I suppose I would get married and have a kid or two. Maybe after a few years I would retire from Shield." "That sounds nice," (y/n) said. "You would make a really good father." "Thanks," Steve said. "And what about you? What do you see for your future?" (Y/n) thought for a few seconds. "I could probably see myself getting married also. I don't know when I would but I imagine myself eventually being married with a few kids. And maybe having a safer job to make sure I'm there for my family." Steve hums in satisfaction before both of their phones ring. (Y/n) checks his phone and sees that it's a text from Tony. "Tony says that Thor has arrived and wants to see everyone. I'm kind of excited to meet the god." Steve feels a slight sting of jealousy before suggesting that they get going back to the compound. (Y/n) nodded and they started to walk back. Once they got back they were immediately greeted by the god of thunder. "Steve," Thor says happily. "It is so nice to see you again. How have you been?" Steve shook Thors hand and gave him a hug. "Hey Thor. Long time no see. All is well here. How's Asgard?" "Asgard is well and lively just as always with a little bit of mischief from the god of mischief himself which should be of no surprise." Steve laughed. "Of course. Loki always causes trouble." Thor chuckled before looking at (y/n). "And you must be (y/n)! Tony has told me about your joining of the Avengers! I am glad to have a new comrade in battle." (Y/n) smiled and went to shake Thor's hand but Thor quickly hugged him instead. "It's nice to meet you too, Thor," said (y/n), out of breath from the tight hug. Steve cleared his throat and Thor let (y/n) go. "Why don't we all go sit down and have a beer," Thor said. "And then we can talk to our hearts content." Thor began walking towards the couches to sit with the other Avengers. "Wow," Steve said. "Thor's in a pretty good mood today. He hasn't stopped smiling once." (Y/n) laughed. "Yeah, you're right." Then they both walked over to join everyone else in conversation. When (y/n) was near Thor he pulled (y/n) down to sit next to him. Steve stopped for a moment before sitting in the only free seat next to Bruce. They talked about recent missions and Asgard before Thor placed his arm around (y/n)'s shoulders. "You should come with me back to Asgard one day (y/n). See its beauty up close and be treated as a king." (Y/n) was a bit flustered and didn't know what to say and all Steve could do was glare at Thor. "It's good to get a feeling of what it's like to rule for a little while," Thor continued. "It would be my pleasure to invite you for a tour one day." All (y/n) could say was thank you to Thor. Then (y/n) looked at Steve and saw that he was glaring at Thor which made him lower his head in embarrassment. He didn't want to upset Steve but he also didn't know how to get out from under Thor's heavy arm without seeming rude. Thor glanced at Steve and then at (y/n) with a slight smirk and pulled (y/n) into his side. (Y/n) stiffed up uncomfortably but kept still. "Are you alright Steve? You seem to be distracted," said Thor. Steve stopped glaring and put on a fake smile. "I'm fine, Thor. What brings you here anyway? I figured you would be busy with your kingdom." Thor shook his head. "I just wanted to come see my friends. And I needed to meet (y/n) so we could become compatible." "Oh," Steve said. "It's nice of you to come visit. It's a shame you live so far away." "It's nothing," Thor said. "I like coming to Midgard. I plan to stay for a few nights before heading back home." "That sounds great," Steve said. "It's been a while since you've stayed with the Avengers. It'll be nice to have you around for a little while." Thor nodded as the rest of the avengers changed the subject. (Y/n) was uncomfortable but he kept a smile upon his face as Thor trailed his fingers up and down his arm. Soon it was time for dinner so Tony had Jarvis order shawarma for everyone. Everyone sat around the table when the food arrived and Steve made sure that he was sitting next to (y/n) and that Thor was across the table. "Are you okay?" Steve whispered to (y/n). "Yeah I'm fine," he replied as he snuck a hand under the table to grasp one  of Steve's. They all continued talking while they ate. Steve realized that Thor kept stealing glances towards (y/n) throughout the meal and proceeded to glare at him most of the time. (Y/n) noticed this and blushed in embarrassment as he ate his shawarma in silence. Nat, having a woman's intellect, realized what was going on and tried getting Thor's attention away from (y/n). But no matter what she tried, nothing worked. She eventually gave up and sighed, knowing that Thor and Steve will end up fighting, which is rare for them to do, over (y/n).

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