About five minutes later I exited the bathroom. I didn't know what was going on with those two but just in case I forced a fake cough. I entered the lounge room and Sai and Matt were sitting on the black couch. They had there hands intertwined but let go as soon as they saw me looking. I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"Look, I don't care if you guys want to kiss or be a couple or whatever but can we maybe do the lovey-dovey stuff after we rescue Stryker? Then I'll give my blessings and threats. For now, try not to make this too awkward, I don't want to feel like a third wheel."
They said nothing but looked away and turned a deep shade of crimson.
"Ok then," I started, pulling out a map of Malfoy Manner, "So this is the plan. Stryker is probably being held here, we need to watch out for Lucis who will probably be here and there are enchantments and charms and curses on just about everything here..." I continued to tell the others about my plans and was momentarily interrupted by Matt.
"Lil, how do you know all this? We're all strictly forbidden to go anywhere near Malfoy Manner from out parents and Lucis."
I was hunched over the map, my head down. I raised my eyes to stare him down with a deadly glare that made him slightly shiver and nod. There were some things about me that I didn't want anybody knowing. My parents knew, Ron and Hermione knew so Matt probably knew too, and if the person reading this was clever and had paid close attention they would know as well, but was all. My parents and Ron and Hermione were there when it happened. I was only just learning how to crawl and I still don't know how it happened. My parents told me that they were scared out of their minds, they rushed me to St Mungos but there was nothing wrong with me. They told me they i was just different. Eventually I learnt how to use it, for better or for worse.
~~~~~~~~~~Author Interruption🐈~~~~~~
If you're confused about the secret I've given you two hints and mentioned it five times.
~~Sorry to interrupt, thanks for reading~~I finished telling Sai and Matt about the plan and after changing some things I was certain I was ready.
"Ok, you all got that?" I asked.
Sai looked confused.
"Lil, if the Manner is guarded by charms then how are we getting there?"
"I've arranged for this," I pulled three keys out of my pockets, "They can transport anyone anywhere, no matter what charms but they only work one way. They where designed like that so no one could use it to rob places. They are very expensive and I had to borrow a very large amount of mum and dad's money to just get these three. Getting back here after rescuing Stryker is easy." I took my necklace off, it was a small Lily flower of a simple silver chain. I gave the necklace to Matt. "When we have Stryker you'll activate this, it's a portkey, and it'll bring all of us back home."
He nodded, a look of understanding flickered across his face, he seemed to know why I gave it to him. But just in case he didn't, I wanted to talk to him alone.
"Sai, I've got a bag in the kitchen, can you please check if we've got everything we need? We might have to go on foot if these things don't work and I don't really know were we'll end up or how long it'll take to get back."
She looked startled but nodded and left to go into the kitchen.
I turned back around to face Matt. My calm composure fell and a dark look replaced it. I grabbed him by the collar and spoke roughly.
"As soon as we get to Malfoy Manner you take this and get Sai out of there! Don't come back." I let him go.
He gulped and spoke.
"But what about you?" He meekly asked.
"I'll be fine," I said, staring him straight in his eyes and begging that he believed me.
"What if you're not?" He asked calmly, before continuing with a hint of venom, "What about your mum? And hasn't your dad been through enough? What about Sai? What happens to everyone you choose to leave behind?!"
I was taken back but quickly replied, my voice harsh.
"Don't you think I already thought about that! That's why I'm here instead of Malfoy Manner! I'm sorry it has to be this way Matt but I can't just leave him."
Since I was born I had only cried three times. One when I was born, two, with Stryker on the train and three, right now.
Weeks of rage and regret and built up emotions that had slowly been wearing me down all came flooding out at once. I collapsed on the floor, my knees hitting the carpet. I curled up with my head between my knees and cried. I heard Sai come out of the kitchen and sit down becide me, I felt her place a hand on my back and she leant her head on my shoulder. She waited until I had run out of tears and helped clean me up. She didn't want an explanation, she just wanted to support me. She was like that and she still is.
Again Matt acted like nothing happened, and again I was thankful. He had the necklace around his neck and a small bag because Sai had magiced my big bag into 3 small ones and had devided up the supplies evenly. I put my bag on and gave out the keys. We linked arms and closed our eyes. I could feel the world spinning around me but I didn't open my eyes again until I felt a tug on my jacket.