Life is Precious, Delicate As a Rose.

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I remember it perfectly. We were walking hand in hand down the railroad tracks. It was about eight-thirty on a breezy June night. We walked right to where our tire swing was, just on the left of the tracks. I climb in the tire swing while Ashton was pushing me slightly. The wind was blowing through both our hair and you could here the frogs singing their song. I leaned backwards to kiss my boyfriend, at the time, of five years. My friends kept telling me he was going to ask me to marry him. We have talked about it before, and we were both for it. It was just about the time he was going to ask me. I had a feeling it would be soon.

He kissed my lips ever so sweet. I cupped his cheeks, I was still leaning backwards. I climbed out of the tire swing and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you." Ashton whispered in my neck. "I love you too Ashton." I reply back to him, softly giggeling. We starting walking down the rail road tracks again. We heard the noises of rowdy kids close to us. We were just going to walk on by them, when one of them came right up to me. Ew, he reeked of alcohal. He was a little shorten than Ashton, but taller than me. "Hey baby, what's your name?" and grabbed my ass. "Are you kidding me, kid? Get off me. I shoved him off me and that made him PISSED. shit please don't let this be happening right now...I thought to myself.

The alcohal rotten kid plants his lips powerfully down on mine. Ashton comes right up to the kid, grabs his shoulder and punches him in the face. hard. The alcohal smelly kids friends all ran away, while he was on the ground. "Yeah, fuck you dude." The kid started walking away, or so it looked like. Thats when he turned around with a  switch blade. "No, man, don't do this. Please, let's just forget about all of this." Ashton is trying to calm this kid down, while pushing me behind him. "Not today, dude." Said the completely drunk mess, while walking towards us. Ashton grabs my hand and  starts shoving me as in saying to run. We started sprinting, while watching behind us. That's when I saw it. 

"ASHTON, A TRAIN IS COMING, WE HAVE TO GET OFF THE TRACKS. ASHTON!!!" I'm screaming, but their's to much adrenaline coursing through his veins, to hear the words I'm belting out. I abruptly pull on Ashton so hard to the right, but he's still looking behind him, watching the drunk-switchblade-messup coming towards us, but from a distance. "ASHTON, PLEASE THE TRAIN IS RIGHT THERE, MOVE! PLEASE!" I pull and jump off the tracks. But before I know what happens, it all goes by so fast. Ashton finally looks in front of him, "ASHTON, JUMP!! NOW!" I'm screaming up at him, and jumping up to the tracks but as soon as i grab his finger, it's immediatley pulled away from me. The evil, screechingly loud, train comes screeching to a hault. I run along side the slowing down train. I finally get to the front of it, where my boyfriend, lay right under it. "ASHTON! ASHTON" I kneel down next to him and start pulling on his hand. I put my ear to his mouth. Waiting to hear some sort of breath. Nothing. "Ashton, baby, no please. Please, please come back, please don't die, I love you so much please. Please come back. Ashton! Please!" I'm begging. crying. Pleading on my knees to God. While the driver of the train, has already dialed 911. 

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