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One more day.

One more day until I leave my island. Oh joy of moving!

For the rest of the day I hang out in the small town, saying goodbye to all the friends I have made. There all over 60 but there still nice.

Once I've said goodbye, I walk up the hill to my home. There's a long line of other houses on the hill, and that's where most people live.

I go straight to my room and fall onto my bed. I look at the time and it's only 5 pm. Yet I still fall asleep almost intantly.


"Alena wake up!"

"Come on Alena, we have to go to the boat."

Who keeps shaking me and screaming in my ear?! It's very annoying for someone trying to sleep!

The shaking continues until I drowsily open one eye, trying to see who the person is.

"What?" I ask my Mama, rolling over to face her.

"Anton has packed your things onto the boat! Get dressed because were leaving in 20 minutes." Mama explains, while walking out the room.

I swiftly got up almost falling down, still very tired because it is 5 in the morning!

I grabbed my leggings and a big sweatshirt that read Greek with some kool lettering done to the name. It was a light grey sweatshirt, and the words were in big, black, curly letters.

I brushed my thick and long, curly blonde hair that was reached my hips.

After I brush my hair, I brush my teeth quickly and pack it into my small shoulder bag. In there was my brush, tooth brush and my camera. I toke my camera out and rapped it around my neck, so that I was hanging off the necklace type thing attached to it.

I put on some comfy grey boots and walked down stairs. It was so empty. The picture frames that used to be hanging on the walls are all gone. The furniture is all gone. The kitchen was bare too. Already knowing behind the cabinets were also empty.

I had a sad smile stuck on my face as I walk to the open front door. I looked back into the house to have one last memory of my home. I closed the door and stumbled back a little. I toke my camera and toke one picture of the outside of my home for a safe memory.

I looked down at the path on the hill that lead to the cliff. I toke a picture of it leading into cliff because you can see the cliff in the fairly close distance.

I looked at the other path that leads down to the docks. I followed it, and in about 4 minutes I got to the dock area where the boat that would be taking us to the main land was sitting calmly against the water.

I looked back one more time. It would be the last time in a long time I would come back here. One small tear slid down my face. I bushed it off quickly before anyone saw it.

I wasn't much of an emotional girl. One time I was deep diving and I got carried into a rough wave. I couldn't swim against it so I let it carry me. It was very strong and strong enough for me to get thrown against some rocks in the middle of it. Since I was in a bikini, and being thrown against rocks, I got cut up very badly.

I was lucky enough to not have hit my head very hard because no one knew where I was and I wouldn't have been saved. But I was cut severely. I have a long scar reaching from my back up along my neck and infront of my ear. The scar stopped just under my jaw line. I was very lucky but it still hurt.

After this day, I became stronger and I didn't let things affect me. That was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me and now, I'm not very scared anymore.



I heard sirens and I looked around wondering what set off the sound.

People were rushing everywhere. I saw mama and papa running towards me, with nervous looks on their faces.

"What's going on?" I ask them. They don't answer me, instead my Mama grabs my arm and pulls me to the boat. Were running because from where I was, the boat was about 2 minutes of a running distance.

As were running for a short period time, I managed to look up at the sky. The clouds were very dark, almost black! How did I not manage to see it earlier. I mean I didn't remember it being hot, and it was pretty windy, but I didn't think I saw a storm setting.

But this is serious. Storms come sometimes and usually there awful. It's always so windy that trees getting knocked down and some times houses crash.

Out of my daze, we get to the boat. I'm pulled on by my papa and I stumble as I get on. I feel us move out of the dock.

I understand now. A big storm is coming and we had to move quickly or we would be stuck on the island and miss our flight.

I quickly grab my camera and snap a picture of the island we are leaving behind. It's still beautiful in the dark weather and windy trees.

I sit down on one of the bench areas on the sides of the boat. I being my knees up to rest my arms and lay my head on them. I'm still very tired since it's so early in the morning. Storms and rain always make me sleepy. Soon I'm off into a nice sleep.

Until suddenly....

Leaving the IslandWhere stories live. Discover now