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When I woke up the next day, I woke up grumpy.

I stripped my clothes and walked to the conjoining bathroom of the master bedroom.

It was a big bathroom with two sinks and a big shower, a toilet and toiletry accessories.

There was shampoo and soap already there so I used the coconut oil shampoo and messaged it through my long blonde hair.

I know I'm pretty, but I don't like to think I'm overly beautiful. I think I'm alright compared to everyone. But everyone is beautiful in there own way.
After I get out of the shower, I rap myself in a red fluffy towel that was hanging on the rack hanging from the wall.
I rapped the towel around my body and walked out the bathroom. I walked over to my duffle bag and picked out a pair of light blue jeans, a beige sweater that hangs off my shoulder, and some jeweled sandals.
I also grab a pink and orange bracelet to match my shoes.
I wanted to tour the town and also go grocery shopping. I had many other important things I needed to buy. I needed to buy a phone just in case.
As I pulled my shoes on, the door bell rang. I walk down the hall and skip the steps of stairs. I look through the peep hole of the door to see Dave.
I smile and opened the door.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" I question him, but still glad to see him. Maybe he can show me around the town. Knowing myself I would probably get lost.
"Well I thought since I'm your only friend, I could show you around," Dave said casually.
"That would be good! I need help not to get lost," I tried to explain. I wonder if I said that right? I'm still learning my English and I hope he doesn't make fun of me for it.
I walk out the door and lock it behind me. We walk over to his car and hop in.
"Where to first?" He asks with a big grin.
"I need to buy food, and shop for clothes, and then we can do something fun!"
"Onto the supermarket we go!" Dave cheers and starts to pull out of the drive way.
Once we arrive at the supermarket, as he called it, we got a cart and walked through each isle, figuring out what good food I wanted.
We had a great time actually for buying food. We laughed a lot. We would play some game where we had to shoot the food in the cart from a long distance.
We ended up buying a whole bunch of fruits and vegetables, pasta, meat, milk, donuts, bread, cereal, chips, ice cream, eggs and other ingredients to make a meal.
I don't like to brag but I can cook. When your parents aren't home for dinner so often, you have to make food for yourself.
I can cook some good pasta. I'm very proud. Maybe I could invite Dave over for dinner since he's helped me so much.
I'll ask him later after we're done buying the clothes.
After our grocery cart was piled up and over spilling, we walked to the cash registers. The total was $276.89. Not to bad if you ask me, but I'm not great at money. I just know that the amount of food could last me a few weeks knowing that I'm the only one in the house.
I pulled out three one hundred dollar bills from my bag and told her to keep the change.
The cashier didn't seem notice as she intensely stared at Dave. Lust written all over her face.
I could see why, Dave is actually really beautiful. His brown eyes were gorgeous and when he smiled, it made your heart warm. Dave was really attractive.
I smirked at the girl, seeing as Dave was uncomfortable, I toke his hand and pulled him away. Once we were a pretty far distance from the girl, I let is hand go and started pulling the bags of groceries out of the cart.
"I..uh..thank you," Dave stuttered. I laughed a little at that.
"No problem! I could see you were uncomfortable with her staring at you like that," I smiled at him.
He smiled back at me with a glint in his eyes. He helped me get the rest of the bags and we walked to his car.
We decided to stop by my house and drop all the stuff off so nothing would melt or spoil.
We rushed back to the car afterwards. I looked at the dashboard and it read 2:34.
We were at the supermarket for 3 hours!
Time passes by quickly when your having fun, I think to myself and laugh.
Dave gives me a weird look, but smiles and looks back the road. That smile never leaving his face. I wonder what he was smiling about.
I was about to ask but we stopped and I looked to see a mall. We got out of the car and I excitedly hurried him to walk faster. I was so excited to see how different everything is!
Here in South Carolina, there's so many more buildings. Less trees than my island but there was still trees.
Me and Dave walked by all the stores and wandered into the ones that caught our attention. We talked about random stuff and laughed at our craziness. We talked about how we have two months of summer until we have to go to school in August.
That means I need to find something to do in these two months to occupy my time.
But I have Dave, so maybe he can introduce me to people.
After walking into so many stores, our arms were filled with bags. I got a lot of clothes for summer because I didn't have that much back home. But I also got some jeans and hoodies just in case it rained or was cold.
The last place we went was Victoria Secret. I've never heard of it or been in there but Dave said I might need something from it.
When we walked in I busted out laughing. Dave would take me here. I thought it was funny when his cheeks tinted pink. But I sobered up and kept the giggles in as we looked through stuff.
When we left, I had bought some new sexy bras and matching undies, mostly thongs, but some other cute underwear as well. Dave had stated at me when I asked him if it looked good. His eyes were wide, cheeks tinted pink, and he dumbly nodded quickly.
"Maybe I can model it for your some day," I told him as we walked out the store. It was harmless flirting and it was really funny how his expression never changed.
We walked to the car, and I looked at the dash board again. 2 hours had passed and I was starting to feel hungry.
"Hey Dave, do you want to come over for dinner?" I asked kindly.
"Sure! I'm starving! Let's gooooooo!!" He replied overly excited.
We both started laughing and we sat their in a comfortable silence.
The drive was short because the city isn't to big. But once we arrived at home Dave texted his mom saying he was eating here. She replied saying, Okay have fun you two;)!
I don't even want to know why she put a winky face.
Me and Dave walked up to my room and put the endless amount of bags down on the floor next to the big walk in closet.
He excused himself to the bathroom down the hall. I toke this time in stripping my clothes and grabbing the Victoria Secret bag. I threw my old bra into the trash because it was old and worn out.
I got out a red bra and undies, and slipped it on. They were really comfortable. I'm glad, because they were expensive.
I looked through the bags trying to find my big hoodie I bought. It was navy blue and it had Brooklyn, written on it. It went to the middle of my thighs. I pulled the tags off and right when I was about to slip it on, Dave opened the door and walks in. I've never been nervous or anything about my body. I was well fit. I wore size D in bra, my underwear had to be almost extra large because of my butt. I also had a tiny waist, which made my butt look even bigger. I love to workout. Not overwhelming exercise, but enough to be in shape.
Dave's eyes roamed my body like he couldn't help it.
"I..uh.." Was all he could say.
I started laughing, and pulled the hoodie on.
"I'm sorry for walking in, but I'm glad I got to see all that," he said practically drooling.
"It's okay, I did say I was going to model right," I replied with a laugh.
We both laughed and walked down the stairs.
I started boiling pasta, as we talked about random things.
The night was good and we finished eating.
We sat down at watched a movie until we both fell asleep in the soft couch.

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