Exposure and (more)Explanations

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  Asante said something but I didn't hear cause his voice was muffled.

  “What?” he made the same noise again and I rolled my eyes, “You better open your mouth and talk if you want me to hear you.” I told him.

  After that, I guess he gave up, cause he didn't say anything. Either he figured it wasn't important or he was too damn lazy to move so he could talk.

  We were laying down, just chilling. I was gonna go to bed but then I took my phone up and went on Instagram and yeah… You know how that goes.

  I remember just laying on my side and then he crawled into the bed and snuggled up to me. So now we were both on our sides, my leg hooked around his waist and his head on my chest.

  His arm was around my back and I was scrolling on my phone behind his head. Music was playing from his phone on the nightstand. This is kinda what we do whenever we see each other. He's a snuggler. I found that out the hard way.

  We've been like this for half an hour I think and I was really waiting for him to fall asleep so I can move. I always do that and he doesn't really like it. But I get hot easily and I can't sleep when I'm hot. Not to mention that I sleep under all my pillows and a cover so that's another reason why I can't sleep when he's all up on me.

  He adjusted himself, bringing his leg up between my legs and I felt his thigh on my ass.

  I shifted, “Can you stop moving,” I said. This was like his fifth time readjusting.

  He grumbled something against my collarbone and I smiled. He's such a baby, it's not even funny. I set my phone down temporarily to run my fingers along the back of his head. I tilted my head to place a kiss on his forehead.

  “You're not gonna put your durag on?” I asked him, running my hand over his hair.

  He hummed in response, moving his face into my neck and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.
  I smiled, “Kay,” I reached for my phone again, refreshing my explore page.

  The first thing that caught my attention was a picture that looked a lot like me and Asante, so I clicked on it. When I did, I immediately rolled my eyes and shifted, lifting my leg higher on the side of his body.

  He grumbled in response.

  “Don't even. You move every five minutes,” I voiced.

  His hand slid to my side and he gripped my side gently. It was enough for my body to lock up and my phone fell onto the bed as I jerked. I reached down to grip his hand in reflex and he moved his head, groaning. I let out a low laugh after moving his hand away.

  “I'm sorry,” I giggled, brushing the side of his face, “You know I'm deadly when you tickle me.” I kissed his temple, moving his hand to my thigh.

  His hand stayed there for a moment before he started massaging my thigh slowly. I tried not to get turned on by it and turned my attention back to my phone, reaching for it.

  I looked at the picture first. It was a really nice picture. It was from the other night when he'd caught me at the diner. We'd went for a walk around a couple blocks.

  We were standing in front of each other, one of my hands in his and his free hand was on my chin. I was looking up at him with a large smile and he was looking down at me, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth sexily.

  I guess that's the look people say he gives me then.

  I took a look at the caption and almost rolled my eyes again.

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