C H A P T E R 2

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I wanted to talk to Kai the next morning but my burning fever left me bedridden for the next two days. My mate was the subject of my dreams and the featured image of my fever-induced hallucinations, both slipping through my grasp and not real.

Those two days, I waited for her to visit.

However, she did not.

Maybe she did not know I was sick. The first day I could understand. She must have found it difficult to find out who I was. Was it? We did not even get to introduce ourselves before she was gone. Oh, who was I kidding? She probably didn't care.

No mate should have found it that easy to walk away from their other half.

My mate must have been made of steelstrong, and maybe just as cold and unyielding.

The second day, I was grateful that I was mostly out of it that I did not even have the chance to feel my heart hurt on top of the burning sensation of my escalating fever.

Where were you, Kai?

* * *

Mentally slapping myself, I rehearsed the words I wanted to say while waiting outside on one of the seniors' classrooms. I asked around and learned that Kai was teaching her last class for the day. It was almost five pm. After three long days, I will be able to talk to her. Had I only been able to recover faster, we would have met and talked sooner.

The bell rang and within seconds, the seniors emptied the room. I kept my eyes trained on the door to catch a glimpse of Kai leaving but she did not show up. When no other students were coming out, I took courage, knocked, and entered the room.

"Hi," I awkwardly offered in greeting. Staring at her, I noticed that her black shoulder length layered hair framed her beautiful face. Her lips were full and red while her cheeks had a healthy glow in it.

It was so healthy and unlike my pale and sickly complexion!

I briefly regretted not asking Macey to apply makeup on me. However, I couldn't risk her and Mason knowing that I found my mate or that I was somehow a reject until Kai and I had the chance to clear things up.

How could I explain my mate running out on me the moment she knew that I was hers?

Kai just stood there, looking anywhere but me.

"Can we talk, Kai?" I saw her flinch at the mention of her name.

"That's Ms. Randale to you, student," finally meeting my eyes, I saw hers were rich brown.

It was my turn to flinch at the tone of her voice.

"Tyler. Arrah Tyler," I introduced myself even though she made it obvious that she was not interested.

"I'm your mate," I raised my left hand to show our mark while she covered hers.

"Forget it. You are not!" She said through clenched teeth. Her hand gripping her finger where the mark was running up to her knuckle and ending before it reached her wrist. They were exactly like mine.

"Why are you rejecting me?" My voice cracked at the end. "I am not that smart so I need you to spell it out for me," I smiled at her wanly.

Kai looked to me as if I was a student that was having a difficult time understanding a simple mathematical expression of one plus one equals two. In our case, one minus one equals zero. One willing mate minus one reluctant mate equals zero mating pair.

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