C H A P T E R 19

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I dismissed my last class for the day and headed for the faculty room. I bumped into Kirk when he exited the room. He smiled at me and said, "There's someone waiting for you inside."

With the way he smiled, I knew that that someone could only be Arrah. The whole school was made aware that we were together when she came to bring me lunch. It was not the lunch that gave us away but the passionate kiss she gave me whilst I was in the hall and talking to a few of my students. Whistles and catcalls erupted then. It was scandalous and I was on the verge of being fired.

Everything was a mess. The school board gathered to discuss my 'indiscretion'. Her parents came back to speak with the school authorities. Other parents were starting to worry about their children being subjected to the kind of environment my relationship with a former student who was younger than me by almost twice my age was creating. Teacher-student and all that.

Everywhere we went people talked and each time, she would brush the gossips off. We once ate at a restaurant and the pleasant evening I had hoped to share with her was ruined by the awkward atmosphere and blatant stares we were receiving.

'Does it bother you that much?' her elbows up on the table, she cupped her face with her hands and watched as I cut her steak into tiny edible pieces.

'Doesn't it bother you?' if she's fine with everything, I don't give a shit about these people. I placed her plate in front of her and fed her a piece before getting back to cut my share.

She carefully chewed the meat and shrugged. 'No.'

'Then I couldn't care any less about what they had to say.' I took a huge piece and ate it.

'Yet it bothers you somehow,' she pushed the issue.

'It's the super hearing. All these talks kept ringing in my ears.' it was difficult to tune them out when her name left their foul mouths. I can't pinpoint what exactly had my hackles up but my wolf was on high alert ever since we left Redwood. I can't let anything involving my mate go. No matter how petty the talk was.

She stood up and came to where I sat. Both her hands on either side of my head, the murmuring stopped. For the first time in weeks, everything calmed down in my head. She was blocking them out for me.

'There! Better?' she kissed my forehead before she claimed my lips. She was never one to shy away from displaying affection.

The voices were muted but I sensed that the watchful eyes around us intensified. Though I didn't mean to, I started pulling away. Contrasting eyes stared back at me. 'I could dispose of them. Silence them permanently, Ms. Randale.'

The implication was clear. She was threatening to kill them. And she could. Without any doubt.

Somebody choked. A man seated just a table from us was gasping as he clutched his throat. 'What do you think you're doing, Arrah!'


The choking and coughing stopped.

'What the hell was that?' I gripped her wrist. How could she attack like that?

'That wasn't on me,' her gaze swung on the man as his wife helped him unclog his throat with water. 'Choking was natural. Serves him right for eating like a pig.'

'You didn't –'

'I didn't,' she got back on her seat. I got mad at her over nothing.

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