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Who is this Haliyah?

Mayari's screams were directed to the darkened heavens. Declaring war at someone who I presume to be inhuman like her. The afternoon sky, now black as midnight, revealed no answer. The only light we had was coming from the one Sid called Búlan.

More importantly, who is this Búlan that's taking over my mate's body?

Wearing my Arrah's face, she turned to Sid for protection. Feeling grateful for healing my mate, I shook the wave of jealousy away at seeing Arrah's proximity to someone who's not me. Though I must admit, Sid is stronger. The time we fought, I landed not a scratch on her skin as she effortlessly parried my blows and even struck me down. Killed a beta with her bare hand, Sid didn't even need to shift. She's not even wolf. She was more than I could be.

Even stronger. Better.

While I was wallowing in the pits of my inadequacy, the red-eyed woman sent huge balls of flame towards us. The others and I evaded them in time but Sid stood in front of Arrah - Búlan to take the flames. Búlan didn't even flinch, completely trusting the woman before her.

"Your parlor tricks are starting to tire me." The flames were extinguished before they hit Sid. "I've let you be because you agreed to tell me how to free Búlan. Come peacefully and fulfill your promise, Mayari. I do not wish to add more to your grievances. I will listen to your piece and judge accordingly. Do it and I shall make sure you will be treated justly in the afterlife."

"Listen? What good will it do?" A part of the mountain of rock behind her was reduced to rubbles. Mayari walked over to them but did not cross the stream. "Centuries too late, don't you think, goddess?"


"There is no one left to save. No one dear to hold above my head. Anger took the place where love used to dwell. Shouting retribution, will you hear it?"

Devon's screams erupted as he was suddenly engulfed in black flames. As quickly as the fire came, it vanished into thin air. The smell of burnt flesh hung thickly in the air. Luckily enough, Devon was not severely burnt. With the best of him, Devon shifted into his wolf to heal his injuries.

"A spawn of another wretched wolf clan. He reeks." A ball of flame formed from her palm, Mayari raised her hand towards Devon. The intent to kill was unmistakable.

"That's enough!" Sid did not scream but she might as well have. Her voice echoed and was loud enough to be heard throughout territories. "Their guilt isn't hidden. They will receive their punishment as you will yours."


What does she have against them?

"Are the gods finally willing to sully their hands? Or will you still lie and watch?" Mayari asked. "You're only here to take your heavenly consort, Sidapa. So just stay put and watch, and let me have my revenge that's been long overdue. Keep still and I'll have her released soon but not before I've wiped the last of their existence."

"You dare bargain?" Feathers swirled from her left hand and formed a sword that's a meter long. An unusual shape for a sword. Narrow near the base, the blade runs and widens at the other end.

"Another weapon wielded by a goddess pointed at me..." Mayari smiled and gave the most perfect and graceful bow. "I cower before your power. My quarrel is not with you, my queen. I am but your lowly subject in the underworld. I shall take my leave."

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