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We're still in bed, warm and cozy. Sometime around seven a.m., Kai has called in her absence. She has freed up her day. Her unexpected absence was approved then she got back in bed with me. We resumed our snuggling position while Kai fell back into her sleep as I lay awake. I threw caution to the wind and submitted to the heat. Her hand was splayed over my stomach.

I can't get pregnant in just one night, right? And besides, my unusual situation of being dead but alive... I might not even get pregnant. I'm not even sure I could carry the baby to full term even if I conceive. I'm living on borrowed time.

'I think I love you, Arrah.'

I never thought I needed to hear the words and I never wished to push her into saying it but she did.

Sex? Well, I wasn't withholding that from her so I see no point there.

Lost and delirious from an impending orgasm? If I may add for emphasis, an earthshattering one at that. Most people won't be able to think and talk past that so if it was just for the sake of screaming, she could have just yelled that I was a great lay.

Though irresolute, she said the words. Last night was perfect. My heart says so and every inch of my wonderfully spent body corroborates.

'See? You can have it all, Akì.'

Please tell me you were not there with us the whole time!

In my mind's eye, I could see Baku examining her leisurely wagging serpent tail. Her sly eyes shone with a hint of something I couldn't decide whether I should be alarmed or thankful for. She did something and I'm frightened to discover what it was.

'Relax. We just retreated so far down into your consciousness that it was enough for your mate to get a real feel of you. For all intents and purposes, Kai made love to the real Arrah without the extras. And please... Note that I specialize in mutilation, decapitation, cold-blooded murders, and everything morbid. I dabble in tampering with human lives but I steered clear of minor vices. Voyeurism? Not my level of wickedness. So no, I didn't stay to watch.'

You're a creature of contradictions. Evil is evil. There is no degree of gravity to separate them, Baku. Though thank you for respecting my boundaries.

However, what's in it for you?

'Give me a little credit here. You were in heat and that does not spell ideal things for the two-thirds of us. A devious serpent got to do what's needed and so I just gave Kai a little shove to connect with you... On that mate - soulmate level, whatever...'

I'm not just one soul.

Somehow, my soul, Baku and Búlan - my soul and their entities, intertwined.

'Exactly... That's why I said that 'we' retreated to give you time together without having Kai second-guessing if you're really the other half of her soul.'


I'm pleased to know that Kai rejecting me was purely because she couldn't get hold of me under the jumble of entities wrapped around my soul. Though not fully hidden, I was not completely perceivable to Kai. The interweaving of souls messed up the mating. It must have been the reason why my female ancestors weren't claimed. Their mates didn't take time to uncover the complexities. A lucky stroke of fate and we were able to beat the odds. Kai's beating heart reassured me that we were here.

'The little goddess and I, ugh! You owe me for last night. Add that on the list.'

Was spending time with Búlan that terrible? I haven't personally talked to her but from what I gather from Sid's description of her; she's a company preferable than you.

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