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I needed to get away. I could feel it trying to get out. I had to get away from here but my body won't move. It was burning with centuries of pent-up rage, I couldn't even tremble in fear.

Run away.

As far as I could.

The Randales and the others inside the room were preoccupied with the revived baby. I can slip out without being noticed if I could get my body to do what I tell it to. One excruciating step and the world started spinning. Macey's injuries were extensive apart from keeping her soul; I had to heal her after. I had nothing more in me then. The process nearly wiped me out. However tonight, all I did was help the little soul from leaving and that alone took tremendous energy and a pacific ocean of faith. I'm running near empty but conscious.

'How long do you think you can hold me in?'

'As long as I can.'

Another step. The door's almost within reach.

'Time isn't on your side, Akì.'

'You're in my body and you're not even paying rent. Where will you go then?'

A bitchy tenant like this creature should learn some manners.

'An immortal can never share your fate. I'll find another vessel. You're not the only one.'

'I've got news for you, dear.'

If I wasn't so low on energy, I'd be flat out laughing.

'I have it on good authority that I'm the last woman of her lineage. You're bound by her blood but there'll be no one else after me. I'm the last of her.'

That's what my parents were doing. They went to see my dad's side of the family overseas where he found out that the Tyler clan was no more. Everyone has been killed off and it would only be a matter of time before they come for me again.

I need not ask the reason why. I wanted to know who those assassins were though.

My parents are true mates so they can't have children apart from their bonded mate. However, they too couldn't conceive another child after me. I asked them why and I was told that once a female was born from a Tyler union the line dies. They can't be blessed with another child. Another perk of being a Tyler.

I can feel it trying to validate my claim. It was in search of her blood.

It needed a female infant, child of Mayari's blood that can host it. And it will find none. Kai can try to impregnate me but I don't know if I can conceive, as I was the first female to ever be claimed from her line. Add that to the fact that only the male line could successfully sire children with their mates given the restriction but females like me were born unhealthy and never live long.

The Tylers were gone. No other children will be born. Well, if I can conceive that might not be true. But for now,

'I'm the last.'

Its answering roar was breaking my head. My steps faltered and my knees gave out. I watched and felt it in slow motion as I fell forward. I can't even hold out my hands to cushion my fall. The good news was that I'm already too numb to feel anything break upon impact. But surely a day after, I will.

My descent stopped and I was swept off my feet. Sturdy arms held me but I could tell we haven't moved. However, the surrounding's all blurry.

I could feel it calming down. It needed to regroup. It can choke on that information for a while.

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