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The lecture ended in a flash because I was in a hurry to get back to Arrah. I was under strict orders of never letting her out my sight. However, I had an obligation to the human institution so I had Cyrus and Edmund resume their posts without me.

There was still time remaining so I gave the students five problems for seatwork to practice on. Leaving them to work on it, I moved to the windows and saw Arrah with Sid.

What is this woman up to this time?

How long have they been talking?

Arrah was wiping her cheek as she stood and tore the envelope she was holding. It contained pertinent documents for her school assessment and re-admission. Cyrus and Edmund followed behind my retreating mate. All the while, Sid sat there smiling at Arrah's tears.

She had been out to get her since day one. Sid enjoyed inflicting Arrah pain. It was in deep contrast to the tender way she held her the night she woke.

I could never get a read on her.

I wanted to expedite the gathering just so I could see the end of Sid and her pack off our territory. However, those bastards raiding us have dampened the festivity and damaged us greatly. We needed at least a few more weeks to prepare and secure the grounds.

The dismissal bell rang and I asked the class monitor to collect the papers and leave them on my desk. Then, I hightailed out of there.

"Where are you?" I called Edmund for an update.

"We're still following her on foot. Seems like she's heading home," he said. "We'll manage."

"Send me updates by the hour. I'll take over in the evening," I still have classes to conduct. I was hoping to keep Arrah with me in school the whole day but Sid's interference changed the plan.

"Yes, Beta," I flinched at hearing my unofficial title, second to the Alpha.

* * *

Immediately after the last of my classes wrapped up, I wasted no time and came to the Tylers' home. It was nighttime but the house was even darker. No light illuminated the house from the inside.

My men greeted me as I approached and told me that Arrah had been up in her room and ate nothing for lunch.

"Had nothing for dinner too," Cyrus added.

"I'll take it from here," I dismissed them and took the key Eleanor gave me. Arrah's parents have given me an extra key to look after their child as their work had called them out of town.

Once inside, I turned the lights on and took the house phone to order our dinner from the steak house. I was never one to cook. I would prefer to hunt and eat in my wolf form than do it.

Entering my temporary room, I changed into comfortable clothes. Minutes later, I was knocking on the door of Arrah's quarters. There was no answer. I knocked again but the doorbell rang so I went downstairs.

My order arrived quickly, one of the benefits of being friends with the owner. The meat smelled good and I was famished. I trudged up back into Arrah's room and opened the door without asking permission.

Thinking I would find her in bed, I was surprised to find it empty. I tried her bathroom only to find it locked. "Arrah, open the door!"

There was no response.

I remembered how distressed she was earlier and unwanted thoughts filled my head, her parents leaving her and everything. The changes must have overwhelmed her, and adding Sid.

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