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The night I told Kai I was pregnant, she kissed me and pulled me into a hug. In the blink of an eye, she released me and shifted. Wolf Kai was so ecstatic that she dashed out to the balcony and howled. Her proud howls announcing our joy rang throughout the Crescent Pack territory. Seconds later, a chorus of howls echoed as fellow wolves joined in. The thought of keeping this just between us until I was showing was moot.

I had to pull her by her tail to stop her announcement from running throughout the whole night. Her head held high, she trotted back in as I followed behind her and closed the door. When I turned around, the huge wolf was leisurely hogging the bed. Who knew a wolf could smile? Granted it looked a little weird, wolf Kai was grinning from ear to ear.

Patting the mattress with her paw, she invited me into the bed with her. There was not enough room to lie down with the beast on our bed so I got up on her side and snuggled close to her soft black fur. I fell asleep, safe in wolf Kai's furry arms; and woke up wrapped in Kai's embrace.

That same morning and for the rest of the days leading to the birth of our baby, Kai walked around town with the same wolfy grin and cocky vibe. That was how happy she was.

The same goes for her students too. They were extremely happy to pass her class with flying colors because Kai had her head stuck on cloud nine.

The talk of the town was revolving around me being pregnant while I was still with Ms. Randale. Humans being humans! They kept poking their nosy nose in somebody else's business. They didn't want the truth. They just wanted to know for the sake of knowing but they don't really care. Oh, they "care" - just not in the truest sense of the word.

Kai and I soldiered on, got on with our lives, and muted them out. We were happy and we're not hurting anybody. Kai's vibrant smile stayed with me the whole time. It comforted me from the freezing and bleak darkness I was once again thrown into.

* * *

Where's Kai? Did the delivery go well? I haven't seen our child's face yet. Did she cry? I don't think I've heard her cry.

'The little babe is healthy.'

"Stay away from her. Leave my daughter alone. Do not lay a finger on her or so help me, I will— "

I need to wake up. The longer I'm out the less hold I have on Baku.

'Rest for a while. I'm not the enemy here, Akì. Let me take over...'

"When it comes to you and your scheming, don't be surprised I find it remarkably hard to believe you."

'Akì... we won't have much time arguing like this.'

"You leave my baby out of whatever this is or I'll drag you screaming to hell with me." Wake up, Arrah!

'I promise you no harm will befall her if you let me out. It's not me you should be wary of. They're coming... They are closing in.'

"What do you mean? Who?"

'That filthy Alpha we had the misfortune to cross paths with at Redwoods. That man! And he brought mangy dogs with him. They're after the babe, Akì. Let me out. Allow me to protect you.'

"Pierce!" I delivered at the pack mansion and it's far from the town. Worse comes to worst, no human will be here this far out. A fight it is. "I'm the one he's after."

'That was before you were bonded. You're of no use to him now. But your child...'

A true mate and bonded, I am not the incubator Pierce needed anymore. Kai made sure of that when she marked me. I can only carry my true mate's child. Had she not been my true mate, I would have been hunted and bred. I was out but my daughter...

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