Bye bye Sayori

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So Sayori came to us and was like "I have depression"

"OK" I said. "No one cares".

I'm so mean, lmaooooo.

"K, choose a partner for this job" Monika said.

So I looked at Yuri...

She was with Sayori

Yworld???Ijustwannedtobe withher.Iloveher,pls!!!!!!!!!!!!

*time to skip*

"Hey, Natsuki, wanna read horror?" Yuri said.

'Omg,really?!I'dlovetoooooo!!!!' I though.

"No" I said.


"I mean... Manga?.." I said.

"...NO" Yuri said and left.




My Cupcake // Yuri x Natsuki DDLC (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now