Last part (finally)

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Hi, I'm back. All I want to say is that: IF YOU'RE A REALLY BIG FAN OF YURI X NATSUKI, THIS PART WILL GIVE YOU A NOSEBLEED (or maybe not)!!
BTW, this is the last and the longest part and it has 557 words.

Also, those who love my jokes, I think I'm out of ideas in this part. But I'm thinking to write Monika x Sayori or something, so I'm still not sure should I put these jokes and other stuff.

Anyway... Read

After school Yuri said "Hey, do you wanna hang out at my house about at 4 pm today?"

"Sure" I said. Omg omg omg omgggg!! Our relationship is geting-

Oh wait... We're not even dating... This means... I'll have to ask her to be my girlfriend! Yee!

*later at Yuri's house*

Yuri's POV

I hear a door bell. Omg it's Natsuki!

I open the door. Yup, it's Natsuki!

"H-hi" I said.

"Hey" she said blushing.

"Come in!"

*4 hours later of playing "Mario carts" , "Roblox" and "Minecraft"*

" Eh, my lips are dry" Natsuki said.

"Oh! I have a ChapStick!" I said. I took the fanta flavor ChapStick and gave it to her.

"Oh, umm, I don't really like fanta, maybe you have another?" She said.

"Coke" I said.


I gave her coke flavor ChapStick. She put all of it on her lips and licked it.

"Mmm, coke" she said.

"Meh, I like fanta flavor more" I said putting it all on my lips. "It kinda tastes deference than the drink"

"Oh? Lemme try" Natsuki said.

I gave her the fanta ChapStick and she was about to putt it on, but she stopped. She looked at me and smiled.

"You don't mind if I try it?" She said.

"Uhh, yeah" I said.

She came closer to my face and she licked my lips.

Oh God! Oh crap! Oh shit! Oh fuck!!

She literally licked me! My lips! It's like a kiss!!!

"Tastes good~" she said.

Me: ok I'm sorry, but I had to do this... *inhale* nOrMy LiNe

Then I lost my mind. I pulled Natsuki closer and I kissed her. Like. Really good.

I felt her kiss me back. This day was best.

We kissed each other for like 5 minutes and we stopped.

"W-wow" I said.

"Yeah... This was amazing." Natsuki said. "Is this means... We're a thing?"

"I think so, I mean... We love each other and we just kissed"

"True" Natsuki said.

"Wait, but Natsuki, what about your dad?" I asked.

"What do you mean? She asked.

" What does he think about homosexual people?"

"Oh, he hates them, a lot"

"Oh Natsuki..."

"It's okay, we'll get through this! Don't worry! I won't tell him until I'll get 18" Natsuki explained me.

"Really?" I said. "I don't want him to hurt you!"

She gave me a sweet smile."Don't worry, we'll be together no matter what!"

I kissed her.

"Glad to hear that"

The end

God I'm finally fuckin' done! Ik that this book don't have a lot of parts, but for a lazy person like me- it's 500 year work (ha Jk I didn't write this even for a year)
Anyway, thx  for reading even this was a waste of your time so haha.

Byeeeeee, Arson

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