I'm bisexual

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Uhhh... OK, so for a while I'll write in Yuri's POV. Cuz... Well you have to read...

Anyway, like I was saying - I'll be writing in Yuri's POV, but I don't know should I write normally or like in Natsuki's POV? Oh well.

Yuri's POV.

The morning I woke up was Saturday. So I couldn't meet Natsuki.

That's good.

Hey, don't judge me! I don't know what to say! I had a crush on her for such a long time that I don't know how to tell her that I love her too!

*buzz buzz*

"Oh, mah phone" I said.

I looked up.

Ah, shit, it was James.

[Jamescooldude] heeeey sugar mama~

[Yurithedoki] Leave me alone

[Jamescooldude] oh come on sugar mama u r so mean

[Yurithedoki] For the last time, James, leave me the fuck alone! And don't call me that!

[Jamescooldude] don't say fuk to me sugar mama! U know I luv u

[Yurithedoki] I'll block you

[Jamescooldude] plz don't

=yurithedoki blocked you=

My Cupcake // Yuri x Natsuki DDLC (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now