u gotta kiss da girl

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"H- hey, Natsuki, I was wondering... Could we stop fighting?" Yuri said.

Omfg, she don't hate me!.

"yes" I said.

"Cool, c- can we be friends?".

" yES"

"D- do you wanna go to that cafe?"


*time to skip*

Yuri and me were so close.

Do it

Do it

Do it

Just do it.

"Yuri?.." I said.

"Hmm?" She said.

"I love you" I said and I ran away.



Yuri POV.

Holy fuck, she's a lesbian

She loves me

I'm so happy


What am I gonna do?

My Cupcake // Yuri x Natsuki DDLC (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now