okay... guess I'm not done

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Yuri POV.

I was standing next to the mall and waiting for Natsuki.

Today - we going to have a date.

First date.

I was ready as hell. I wanted to see her. I wanted to kiss her. And probably fuck her. OK.

I was wearing a dark skirt, light blue shirt. My hair was in a ponytail.

Natsuki comes up to me.

Ah shit she's so cute. My heart can't take this much cuteness.

She was wearing a light caramel dress.

Ma god. Kawaii.

"Hi" she said.

"Hi... Cutie" I say.

Her face turns red. I giggle.

"B- baka..." She mutters. "Shall we go?"


*after going to see Endgame *

"Wow, the movie was so good!" I said when we walked out.

"Yeah. But it's pretty sad that iron man-" Natsuki said but some girl screamed.


We laughed and run away.

We went to pizzeria. We ordered big ass pizza and a dessert.

*time to skip after going to a manga store and library*

Natsuki POV.

We were walking to my home. This was the first time I'm bringing Yuri to my house.

My dad won't let me bring boys, but Yuri isn't a boy so-

Hold the fuck up. I need to ask her something.

"Hey Yuri?" I said.

"What is it, Natsuki?" She looks over to me.

"Are you a virgin?" I ask her.

Oh shit. I didn't expect her to turn so red

"Uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh" she.... Said?

"Ah sorry." I said.

"I am" she finally said.

"Oh. Cool" I said.

Am really thinking about this? Not sure.

*at Natsuki's house*

We were in my room.

And I was talking about my favorite manga.

".....ok so then this girl puts honey all over her food and starts to eat. Isn't that-" I said but Yuri kisses me.

I kiss her back.

She kisses my neck.

"Wha- wait Yuri what are you-" I said, but out of no where. My. Dad. Came.

"WHAT THE FUCK" he said.

"Oh shit" I said.

"Oh shit" Yuri said.

We all stay quiet for a moment. Then I knew that the shit is about to come.

"Yuri" I look over to her.

She looks at me.



What's up.

Not much for me anyway.

So I was thinking. Should I write a lemon? I mean, I don't know how but I can try.

Let me know in the comments.

Bye. I'll die soon~

My Cupcake // Yuri x Natsuki DDLC (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now