Another part

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Sunday was boring.

I was dying for not seeing Natsuki. I really love her.

*time to skip to Monday and to the lit. club*

I got to the club, but Natsuki wasn't there. Ahh, why.

"Monika, where's Natsuki?" I said.

"Idk, she said she's going somewhere with her dad" Monika said.


So I read horror and did nothing. Then Sayori came to me.

"Hey... I know I'm not supposed to tell you this, but..." She said. "Natsuki has a crush on you"

"I know" I said.

"Woah, when did you find out? And how? Did she told you? What did you say? *gasp*, are you guys dating???" She asked.

"Wha-, uhhh... she told me, on Friday and umm... We're not dating.

"Why not?" She asked.

"After that moment when she told me she just ran away" I said.

"Awhh, son of a-" she was about say, but Monika cut her.

"The language, Sayori" Monika said.

"Oh, sorry" Sayori said. "It's just Natsuki ran away when she confess to Yuri"

"Son of a bitch" Monika said.

"Wait, you knew?!" I said.

"Duh, you guys are so in love, I know that" Monika said.

"Well, shit" I said.

My Cupcake // Yuri x Natsuki DDLC (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now