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As the group got ready to leave Takashi took another look at the Omega he had met.

"I can show you around school tomorrow..." He stated softly while looking at Aaron, who flinched in surprise, hearing the Alpha's voice for the first time.

"Okay... Thank you..." Takashi nodded before following his father and brother out of the house, Aaron sighed softly as he walked upstairs, losing his appetite for dinner. He walked into his room and changed before sliding into bed, yawning. He curled into his blankets and let out a sigh, not really looking forward to the next day.

-Next Day-

Aaron rolled over, his ear pressing to the pillow as he opened his eyes, the light shown in through his curtains as he sat up slowly, yawning slowly as he swung his legs over the bedside. Now as the Omega stumbled downstairs, his hair still a slight mess and eyes only half open his father took his state in.

"Aaron... You're being accompanied to school... By Takashi-kun and his cousin, Mitsukuni-kun..." Aaron opened his eyes fully and looked at the two that stood and watched the boy with curious eyes.

"Ah... Okay..." He muttered tiredly as he walked into the kitchen and ate a quick breakfast before walking out into the hallway.

"Be safe! And come home on time~" His father warned before ruffling his already messy hair more, he nodded and followed the blonde and raven out to the limo. When they got into the limo Aaron sat as far away from the two as he could in the large space.

"I'm Mitsukuni Haninozuka! It's nice to meet you!" The small boy said, thrusting his hand toward the boy, who gently took it in his own and nodded.

"Aaron Adler... A pleasure to meet you too..." Aaron slipped a small smile onto his face as he let go of the boy's hand. The rest of the ride was quick, Aaron didn't dare talk, the strong alpha sense coming off both of the boys near him was overwhelming. He had been in contact with an alpha before, back in America, but they were fairly violent, so he tended to stay away from all Alphas. 

Moments later the limo stopped, Takashi and Mitsukuni got out first, the taller of the two offered his hand to the other raven-haired boy, who kindly declined it and stepped out by himself. He walked behind the two as Mitsukuni carried on a conversation by himself, about cake. Aaron spotted the attendance office and waved slightly to the two as he walked off. Mitsukuni waved happily as he hopped onto his cousin's shoulders, Takashi stared after him for a moment longer than need be then continued on his way to class.

As Aaron walked out of the main office, with a small smile on his face, he checked over his schedule once more before walking down the large hallways.

He felt people, mostly boys, starring at his back as he walked down the corridor. Letting out a soft breath of concern, he shuddered as he felt eyes trailing his body. He stiffened his back and walked down the hall to the third year wing, letting a soft knock on the wooden door to class 3-A.
The teacher opened the door and smiled softly.

"Welcome to Ouran Academy, please come in." Aaron nodded slightly and followed the man in while fixing his shirt and blazer, he walked to the front of the room and waited for the students to calm down. When they did the teacher cleared his throat and let Aaron take over to introduce himself.

"Hello... I'm Adler Aaron, pleased to meet you all..." His voice was slightly timid while he stood in front of the class that soon erupted into sequels and shouts.

"I want him next to me!"
"No! Over here!"
One boy shoved his desk mate out of the seat next to him roughly.
"This seat is open!" Aaron stared in shock as the students shouted in happiness and want. The teacher touched his shoulder and pointed at an empty seat in the back of the class away from everyone else. He nodded and started heading toward the seat, he heard multiple groans of annoyance. As he set his stuff down he dug his papers out and a pad of paper.

He felt eyes on him as the class went on, choosing to ignore them he finished the worksheet the teacher had given the students after a lecture on manners. He stood up and walked back toward the front of the class, sliding the paper across the teacher's desk he bowed slightly and turned back, walking at a quick pace to get to his seat.

At the end of the day, Aaron sat in his art class sketching out a picture for the class project. As he packed his stuff up as he heard the last bell ring. From his first block, which was history, to his second block, which was English, on the opposite side of the building. He remembered an easier way to get to his classes.

His first block was on the first floor, his second block was on the top floor, far left won't, the third block was a study hall in the first library, then his last block was on the second floor. His eyes trailed to the silent raven-haired boy that was also packing his stuff away. He sighed softly and held onto his bag as he walked next to him, the girls in the class whined and huffed as their favorite 'host' left without even looking at them.

Mitsukuni ounded up to them happily as they walked in silence. He started up a conversation between himself and Aaron, talking baout cake and sweets. Aaron let a smile slip onto his lips as he walked with the two, not really caring where they were heading, he was starting to enjoy the company of the two alpha's.

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