Blade of Marmora

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It wasn't supposed to be like this. Keith was supposed to stay, and Lance was supposed to go back home. But obviously, Keith had to join the Blade of Marmora! Lance hit the wall in frustration. A small dent appeared, as he released his pent up emotions. Satisfied, but still anxious, he paced the room. Why was he so upset? Keith left! Lance should be happy. But he was incredibly sad. With Keith, he could joke around, laugh and push down the thoughts of liking him. Without Keith, all Lance could do was sit and listen to Shiro explain plans and berate him. Also, it was impossible not to think about Keith, after his absence. Lance would spend hours thinking about that soft mullet, and incredibly smooth porcelain skin. He thought about Keith, making him flustered, then groan into his pillow and wish he didn't succumb to his crush so easily. It wasn't just a crush anymore, though. It was getting serious. From a silly, childish attraction, Lance actually began to like Keith, and wished he'd just plucked up the courage to tell him. But now, Keith's gone and all Lance can do is mope around.

(Time skip bought to you by Coran, Coran, the Gorgeous Man!)

Lance stood at the pod bay, feeling a weird tug in his gut. Something was coming. Instinctively, he crouched down, eyes open for any sign of danger.

Sure enough, a small fighter class ship landed. Lance stood up. He recognised it to be a Blade ship. He hurried over, still in paladin armour. The door opened and Lance's mouth dropped to the ground.




It's Keith.

Lance couldn't believe it. It was too good to be true. Keith, standing there, a little perspiration dusting his forehead. His lips were slightly apart, and his hair was as long and still a mullet. As usual, he had a scowl on his face and his bangs were slightly lopsided.

"How can I be sure you're the real Keith?"said Lance, a grin breaking onto his face.

"Lance, I don't have time for this!"snapped Keith, obviously irritated. He pushed past Lance, shoving a little harder than usual, because of his tightened muscles from training.

"Oh. Everybody, Keith's back!" Lance yelled, his voice breaking a tiny bit. He kept a grin plastered onto his face, but inside he was crumbling, hurt that Keith wouldn't even acknowledge him for waiting.

So he left to his room, his heart wincing with every step.

(Time skip brought to you by Acorn/Aden, inside joke from me and one of my friends.)

Lance sat on the bed, tears rolling endlessly off his cheeks. Okay, he understood no one appreciated him. What he didn't understand was why he had to be the fuck up.
"What's wrong with me?" He whispered.

"Nothing."a quiet voice said. Lance whipped his head around but no one was there.


"Behind your door. It's Keith."

"Why do you care."

Lance heard Keith sigh a little. "Honestly I don't know."

"Then go away." Lance said.

"No! Lance, why are you so sad? Were the others-"

"It was you! Keith fucking Kogane, you're the reason I'm sad! All the time!"

"What did I do?"

"I - I! It doesn't matter."

"It matters to me. Someone is hurting because of me."

"Yep. It's always about you. You just want to make sure everyone thinks you're a great guy, which, unfortunately, you are. You're always perfect! You don't even try, sometimes, I swear, your emo edge makes you seem off putting, yet you continue to excel at everything! Shiro loves you, Allura loves you, Pidge and Hunk look up to you! I'm just.. I'm just the one who everyone blames. Seventh wheel. Scapegoat."

Keith's POV

The rest of my unbroken heart broke when Lance said those words. Seventh wheel. Scapegoat. Those words ran circles in my head, again and again.

"Why do you care." The words came from Lances mouth, and, once again, hit me hard. A knife pierced through my chest, and I found it difficult to breath.

"Because I've always cared about you." My voice came out, barely audible. I wished I wasn't so weak in front of Lance, but my voice seemed to come dry from up my throat and it was so hard to talk.

"Speak louder. I thought I heard you say something, but I think I misheard."

"I love you."


Lance's POV

What. My ears must be playing a trick on me.

"Did you just say you love me?" I ask. My eyes are wider and my heart is pumping. I felt incredibly giddy and my head was swimming.

"Lance McClain. I'm in love with you."

"I- I!"

"Open the door?"

Immediately, suspicions and doubt seeped into my mind. Was saying I love you a tactic for me to open the door? Stupidly, I opened the door anyways. I knew I was going to get my heart broken.

"I love you." Keith repeated. I looked up, and I almost died. His violet eyes pierced mine.

"I love you too." I smiled.

Then, his lips pressed on mine and my heart raced incredibly. His lips were chapped but that was okay. He tasted so good. A rush of adrenaline pumped my body and I felt myself inevitably melt into his touch.

Oh god. Keith Kogane. You're going to be the death of me.

The End!

I know it's a short one, and I finished it in 5 mins, because I don't have much time.

Thanks for reading!
924 words

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