Headbutting the new kid (Kellic)

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Warnings: cussing

Kellin's POV

I made my way in the building I have to be kept in for around eight hours, sitting down, writing and paying attention to really specific things that will not be helpful later in life.
I walked up to my best friend Katelynne who was leaning against a wall, reading a book.

"Hey, Kate" I greeted her, smiling at her. She directed her eyes to mine, and smiled.

"'Ello Kells" She smiled shyly. She was one of the most shy people I've met, even when she's around people she has known since ever, like me. I've known Katelynne since I was born, because my mom was Kate's mom best friend.

"What are you reading?" I asked her, looking at the book cover.

"Macbeth" She mumbled quietly.

"Shakespeare, I see" I nodded, looking at her blue book "I shouldst not disturb thee if 't be true thee wanteth to finish yond magnificent playeth by the English Lord!" I said, imitating a thick English accent.

"Oh, hush" Katelynne laughed "you don't even like Shakespeare" she rolled her eyes and playfully hit me with the book.

"No, but I read the book in sophomore year."

"So did I," she added quietly "but this book it's really good."

"You said the exact same thing with Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet" I rolled my eyes and smirked. Her eyes were burning red.

"I-I... I didn't have any idea of what I was t-talking back then," she stammered, making me chuckle. I stopped laughing as I saw a tanned guy and a tall guy with tattoos walking pass by us. Everyone was giving him odd looks as some girls had their mouths waterings.

"Are they new?" I asked and she looked at them for a bit.

"Yeah," she mumbled.

"Gotta control the wolves," I winked at her and she rolled her eyes. I walked up to my group of friends who were looking at the new guys like their prey. They were considered the bad boys of the school, gaining the title of 'don't mess with them unless you want to die.'
The thing is that they weren't that bad; yes, they were assholes, but in reality they were complete soft buns.

"Hey, rotten fish" Ronnie greeted me with a hug.

"Rum, hi!" I hugged him back.

"Have you seen the fresh meat?" Oliver smirked with his thick british accent. Andy, his boyfriend, laughed.

"We should go and say hello," Matty simpered. I caught the two guys looking at us with a faint spark of fear.

"It's their first day, leave them be," I groaned and rolled my eyes, Ronnie kept the hug tight, as my back was resting on his torso.

"Dude, isn't that twat opening your locker?" Oliver asked, pointing at the tanned guy with brown wavy hair and snapback.

"No, mine is below," I uttered. The bell rang and I had to still pick up the books I needed.

"I'll make sure they don't touch the newbies" Ronnie whispered on my ear and patted my head. He was almost the paternal figure I never had, yet he was still an immature asshole anyway.

"Thanks, Ronnie" I smiled. I pulled my black messenger backpack's strap up my shoulder and I walked up to my locker. I tapped the guy on the shoulder and he looked at me. He had brown eyes, a nose piercing and plum lips.

"Excuse me" I mumbled and he moved slightly aside. I kneeled down, I was being really close to his crotch, making me blush a bit. I looked up to him and I saw him looking at me confused. We were in the perfect position to think that I was giving him a blowjob. I shrugged whatever I was feeling at the moment and I turned around, focusing in opening my locker and taking my books out. I heard him shuffling things inside his locker as he was looking at his schedule to most likely get a guide of what he needs. I grabbed the notebooks and the book I required, close the door of the locker, and stood up, accidentally hitting the guy on his thighs, really close to his crotch.

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