Cheap Bouquet (Kellic)

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Warnings: cussing and a relatively short os.

(Thanksgiving special)
Vic's POV

This year was the first year that I was spending Thanksgiving Day with me, myself, and I. All, absolutely all of the flights from Grand Rapids to San Diego had been cancelled. In general, flights from Grand Rapids to wherever around the fucking globe had been canceled or delayed due to a heavy snowstorm that was upon the city; fuck my life. Of course I informed this to my parents and they said that it was okay, but they want me to be there with them for Christmas and New Year. I wasted no more time in the airport and I hopped back inside my car, placing my luggage in my trunk and getting the fuck out of the airport before it was impossible to drive back home.

In my way back to my cozy house, I saw a man on a park bench, crying his eyes out. He had a beautiful black hair, milky white skin, and I got a glance of his diamond blue eyes that were unfortunately slightly reddish due to the crying.
I decided to make my nice action of the day. I stopped my car on the parking spots on the side of the park. I locked the car and I walked to the nearest flower shop and bought a bouquet made of dark blue bellflowers and clean white hydrangeas. This might be too much but I don't care. I walked back and I saw him still crying. I walked to my car and I looked for a piece of paper and a pen, in order to write him a message. I walked to the bench where he was currently sitting down.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked him, hiding the bouquet behind my back.

He shook his head, "m-my p-parents didn't let me s-spend Thanksgiving with them," he sobbed, hiding his face between his knees, "b-because I'm gay."

"Well, that's a terrible excuse for not spending Thanksgiving with their son," I explained, "did you come out to them today?"

"Y-yes," He stammered. I suddenly felt terrible. My parents didn't take my coming out this bad. I mean, they thought it was phase until they bursted into my room while I was having sex with this guy named Dan. That's when they just understood that this was not a phase but they learned how to tease me like if I were a teenager with their girlfriend.

"Here," I revealed the bouquet I had hidden behind my back, "you need these more than I do."

"Oh my—," he looked at me with wide eyes, "I don't deserve them..."

"You do, come on," I encouraged, "take them."

"One flower?" He asked me, completely unsure of his actions.

"The whole bouquet," I smiled, "unless you're allergic to flowers."

"Oh, no," he shook his head, cleaning the tears rolling down his cheeks, "I'm not."

"Then take it," I smiled and I gave him the cheap bouquet.

"These look expensive..." he murmured as he caresses the petals of the flowers.

"They weren't that expensive," I reassured him, "they made a discount for Thanksgiving and for Black Friday."

"Oh," he mumbled as he later found the letter I wrote him, "you forgot t-to take out the le-letter."

"I didn't forget," I looked at him sweetly, "the letter is for you," I smiled sweetly and he looked at the white paper with his curious blue eyes. He carefully opened it.

To the pretty boy crying,

I don't know what happened but whatever it is, but you are too pretty to cry in the freezing cold that resides among the environment. I could go and give you a warm hug but I'm afraid you'll see it as weird or awkward, so here are some flowers that I personally think matches your diamond blue eyes.

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