«The Language of Love (Kellic)»

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Warnings: Smut, cussing, and TeacherxTeacher.
(There will be a second part published a couple days later)

Vic's POV

The Spanish 4 class was quiet since they were working on a worksheet while I was inputting the grades of all of my students in the grade book before I surpass the due date for the second quarter. I suddenly heard the door of the side opening. The door was mainly used by teachers since it directed you to a long hallway where teachers would from classroom to classroom without abandoning the building. This was the language building.

"Your class is quiet and boring," Kellin spoke, making all of the students that were working look at him. It was no surprise for Kellin to burst into the class. He would usually come during his free hours to stay in classroom just to annoy the shit out of me and the students.

"They're working on something, shut up," I shushed him, never looking away from the computer. I remember the first time Kellin bursted in during this period. The students who haven't had me before for any other Spanish level were not aware of the constant visits of Mr. Bostwick.
The first time he simply came, heard me explaining about myself and he simply said, cutting me off. "In conclusion, he's one of the classic nerdy teachers that will try to win their students even if it means to come to school naked." Of course all of the students laughed at his comment while I rolled my eyes. I had presented him to the class as Kellin Quinn Bostwick, a male French teacher that has a girly voice and holds some sort of unknown grudge towards either me or the Spanish language.

"You spaced out," Kellin pointed out loudly. I rolled my eyes again.

"I didn't space out," I went against him, as always, "I was reading this."

"Right," Kellin rolled his eyes, taking a seat on the empty chair for the teacher assistant. Everyone was used to him being there the whole time, yet no one ever complained. The principal even said that our classes had been chosen the most because they love the drama between us, therefore German, Mandarin, and ASL had been forgotten. Also, our specific classes had the most students because they specifically asked to be with us.

"¿Terminaron?" I asked to the class. They all said yes but Kellin, who chirped a 'no', making the whole class to laugh. "You aren't even part of the class."
{A/N: Did you finish?}

"And? I don't even know what you said," he laughed. "I just love going against you."

"Believe me, I know," I rolled my eyes. I stood up and went to the front, grabbing papers I had to pass back.

"It's fun."

"Voy a pasar papeles, mientras tanto, lean la lectura que sigue y contesten las preguntas del libro que tienen debajo de sus asientos," I ordered, "después de que las hagan, vamos a corregirlas."
{A/N: I'm going to pass papers back, meanwhile read the next reading and answer the questions of the book that's under your seats....after you've done them we're going to correct them.}

"Reading?" Kellin quirked an eyebrow. That was probably one of the few words he caught from what I explained to the class. I started giving papers back. "That's boring."

"I didn't ask you for an opinion, Bostwick," I shot back, gaining some 'oo's' form the class.

"I'm just saying that they are not enjoying it."

"Reading comprehension is essential since—"

"They're going to be reading a book in the future," Kellin cut me off, "you've told me this a million times already."

"Then stop complaining about my ways of teaching."

"For being a young teacher, you've got quite an attitude, Fuentes."

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