He's here (Kellic)

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Warnings: really short os and trans!Kellin

I have another story called "The Fall of a King" go and check it out! Is also a Kellic btw.

I'm working on more os, have patience.


This was not good. This was not going well. Should I start to worry? Should I wait to see if things got better? This was going to bring me problems and perhaps ruin my life if my boyfriend did not like what was happening.

Being a trans man did not free me from having a vagina, which meant that I had to have periods every month, which was such a shame. I did not like the cramps and the headaches that came with it, as well as the mood swings I had to put up with. There would be days that I will just spend them crying with absolute no reason just because my head decided to convince me that I was just a mistake to this world and that I deserved to die, or that I still look too feminine to pass as a man.

Even though I complain a lot about everything, today I was not complaining about the pain that menstruation would bring, but this time I was complaining that my period was not here yet. I would get my period every month, exactly every twenty-nine if not twenty-eight days; that was my regular cycle. It was day thirty-eight and my period was not here. I was starting to worry a little because this was not normal and I was just panicking.

I had talked to my gynecologist before about when should I start to worry about my period being delayed, and he said that if my period was delayed for more than two weeks and I had unprotected sex, there would be a high chance that I would be pregnant. I was not fucking ready for pregnancy.

I might be a twenty-four-year-old trans man but I was still not ready to have kids. I did have planned to have children at some point in my life, but not at this point! This is too soon for my liking! I was not even married. I did not have the money to maintain children in order to grant them a decent life. Hell, I was not even mentally prepared to have kids.

What was I thinking? I could barely take care of myself!

"Is everything okay?" my boyfriend Vic asked me, knocking lightly on the bathroom door.

I was currently sitting down on the toilet, doing my necessities, but I was freaking out. I was scratching my hands with my trimmed nails, leaving marks and scratches on my pale skin.

I reached for the toilet paper to clean myself when I heard another knocking on the door.

"Baby, are you okay?" I heard my boyfriend asking again. I didn't bother in responding since my voice would probably come out trembly and like if I had been crying this whole time.

When I retrieved the paper to fold it and use it again I noticed something that I was not expecting to see but at the same time, I wanted to see: blood.

"He's here," I whispered to myself, looking at the red stains on the white toilet paper.

"Kellin?" I heard Vic asking me again, "can I enter?"

"He's here!" I cheered, saying it louder than I had intended to say it. "He has arrived!"

"Babe, are you okay?" Vic asked from the other side of the white wooden door, "may I enter?"

"He's here, he's here, he's here," I repeated, smiling widely. I had never been so happy to have my period because I would always have resentment towards all of the pain it would make me feel, but I was deeply waiting for it to arrive because I did not want to be pregnant, and I did not want to tell the news to Vic when we were not even married. He probably did not even want kids, or not that I knew of. He had never explicitly told me 'I want to have kids.'

"I'm gonna open the door, is that okay?" my boyfriend announced before opening the door. I that small period of time, I let the paper fall into the toilet bowl, raised my jeans, and flush down the toilet.

"Hi babe," I grinned widely, gaining an odd look from him.

"Is everything okay? Were you watching a movie or something?" he inquired.

"No?" I quirked an eyebrow. "My phone is outside."

"Oh," he muttered, "then were you... jerking off?"

"Vic!" I giggled, moving my hair away from my face, "no!"

"Then what were you doing then?" Vic asked me, trying to reach for my hands. I put my hands behind my back.

"I was in the bathroom," I giggled, "and I haven't washed my hands yet."

"Yuck," he faked gagging noise, making me chuckle.

"Shut up," I stuck my tongue out and I washed my hands with the purple soap we had. Vic went behind me and hugged me, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"So, what were you so excited about?" Vic asked me, looking at me through the mirror.

"Something," I grinned and he looked at me unamused.

"Did I miss something? Is there something I don't know?" He quirked an eyebrow.

"No, I just may or may not had cheered about my period," I smirked and he looked at me blankly.

"Since when are you so excited about it?" he inquired, looking at me like if I were crazy. "You are always complaining about how horrible it is since it gives you headaches and cramps- the other day you even puked because you got nauseous!"

"And? Sometimes I might be happy to have it," I replied. "It doesn't have to be that bad."

"Is this... a mood swing?" he asked with caution.

"Fuck off," I splashed water on his face. "My period went MIA for almost two weeks, and I didn't want to be pregnant." I bit my lip, drying slowly my hands.

"I imagined little versions of you roaming around the house," he giggled, "is adorable."

"Wait—" I turned around to face him, making him break the hug, "—you do want kids?"

"I wouldn't mind it," he grinned, "I've always been the favorite cousin among my little cousins, and is because I still play and spend time with them, so I know my way around kids."

"That's adorable," I cooed.

"And I'm the gay cousin too, so..." he trailed off, kissing my cheek, "I don't mind it."

"But we aren't married yet," I muttered.

"I'm not saying that we have to go right now and have babies," he laughed, trying to lighten the conversation, "but if it happens by accident, I would be more than happy to have them." Vic smiled sweetly, "don't worry about it."


"Shh, don't worry darling," he talked, "I won't be mad if one day you come to me and say you're pregnant, unless I'm not the father."

"Are you implying that I'm cheating on you?" I gasped, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I don't know, are you?" he teased with a stupid grin on his face.

"You asshole," I hissed, "I'm not cheating, how dare you assume such a thing?"

"I'm joking, I'm joking," he soothed, "I like to believe you're faithful."

"Because I'm faithful!" I yelled and Vic kissed me, shushing me.

"I know you aren't cheating," he giggled, "relax honey. What if we better go and watch a movie?"

"To the movie theater?" I inquired.

"Downstairs." He bit his lip, looking at me in fright.

"Sounds like a plan." I grinned. He smiled back and picked me up in bridal style. "Wait! I have to grab a pad or tampon, I don't want to get myself dirty."

"Dirty boy," he flirted, "alright then." He put me down, "I'll start by turning on the TV and getting food ready."

"Okay then," I said, smiling widely.

"See you downstairs." He kissed me and then he left as I heard him walking downstairs.

I love him so much, and I can't believe that I thought I was pregnant.

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