11 : thought you were going to leap

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"And your confession is?" she asked boldly.

She brought out a strong front for safety purposes, she didn't want to get hurt for what he had to say. It was a safety net.

"It's a funny confession, really."

"Well, hurry" she arched her brow.

Jeongguk snorted, he causally sat back up and leaning on his headboard. There's an pause, which only ever stretches her anxiety.
"Bet you're going to hate me" he drags out purposely and she decided now and then, she would. If he didn't get to the point any sooner.

"I'm not playing—"

"You make me nervous.." his deep chuckle interrupts, "Baby, baby no, it's not bad—well no I just don't know how you'll take it." She looked into his eyes, feeling her heart drop to her feet.

"How I will take it?" her voice had become so small.

"Chaeyoung, I knew it was you since the beginning."

Relief settled the air, she let out a sigh of gratefulness however as she processed his confession, she realised something.
"Since the very beginning?"
He swallows at her harsh, "When I first saw you, I wasn't too sure."
"Then you confirmed it by you're sudden mirror moment, that was all I needed" he flashes an charismatic grin, almost apologetically.

"Asshole" she waved her white flag.

"Anyways, so what I really wanted to tell you is—" he stopped by her shocked expression. "There's more?" she made of face of horror, he nodded confirming that there was.

"Yeah so anyways, I don't want you to get mad but the first time we kissed was that night—"

"You're lying" she chuckled nervously, she watched him and noticed that there was not glitch. Her breath hitched, "You asshole what did you do" she hit him on his chest.

He smirked, "I'll tell you what happened" he laughed.

"When I saw you, I helped you and then we started talking.." he hinted, "You were rambling on about your life than you were telling me how you've never drank before, explaining why you blacked out later on—" he paused, "I was left to look after you, and that's when everything went down" he smiled.

"What went down?" she asked.


"What's your name?" lost in those bloodshot eyes that were staring at her, he snapped out of it. "Ah, don't worry too much about that okay" he answered, avoiding her question. She looked awfully familiar, he was trying his hardest to figure out who she was.

He was mesmerized by her strict dark locks, button-like nose and her full lips. Those eyes, he couldn't forget about her eyes. Her orbs were breathtaking, she had eyes of a heart-breaker however from what he knew of her she seem to be extremely sensitive, kind and innocent. 

Also a total nut job.

As he helped tie up her hair from behind, that's when he saw a scar. And then everything made sense, he knew who she was—

"Someone knocking on the door" she told him,

He made way and slightly opened it, to see who it was. "Jeongguk, what are you doing?" it was blonde bombshell, infamous friend of theirs. "Rack off won't you?" he dismissed, she sulked. "You're taking your time, I need to use the bathroom—" interrupted by the sound of Chaeyoung singing, Lisa eyes grew huge.

"Is that Chaeyoung, what are you doing with Chaeyoung—"

"Is her name Park Chaeyoung—"

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