Spending Time Together (Jack x Naib)

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This was requested by AzuraLiz!
Thank you for requesting~
Enjoy! ^w^

Naib's P.O.V.
The sound of a keyboard clicking rapidly filled the area as I typed on the cipher machine as fast as I could. Every once in a while glancing behind me.

"Don't worry Naib," Kurt said as he shook the antenna of the machine. "If anything comes up behind you, I'll let you know."

I nodded as he beat the machine. Then, Kurt noticed a switch beside the machine. "Hey, what does this do?" he said as he clicked it.

The machine buzzed loudly as Kurt recoiled back. "I told you not to simply press things," I said.

"I'm sorry, I was too curious," he said. Then, our heartbeat quickened. 'Great, at the start of the round too,' I thought.

Kurt opened his book and shrunk. "Just keep reading, just keep reading..." he muttered under his breath nervously.

I ran as fast as I could away from the area. "It's not safe, get away from me!" I yelled for my teammates to hear. As I ran, I pulled down a pallet in hopes of losing the hunter.

When I saw a red light catching up to me, my heartbeat quickened. 'I'm going to get hit...,' I thought.

I closed my eyes, awaiting the impact. What I didn't expect was to be pulled back and to be embraced by a tall figure.

I slowly opened my eyes. "H-Huh?" I said in confusion. I turned to see Jack, hugging me happily.

"Long time no see, my little Naib~" Jack said.

"J-Jack," I said. "Yeah, it's been a while."

When he put me down, he said, "Say, are you free tonight?"

"...Yeah, why?" I replied.

Jack reaches into his pocket and took out two movie tickets. "Let's watch a movie together!" he said.

I took one of the tickets and observed it. I was shocked to see that the tickets were actually handmade and not real tickets.

"What is this?" I asked.

Jack laughed nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Actually, we're just going to watch a movie at the manor."

"Let me guess," I said, keeping my face neutral. "Wu Chang and Michiko are already setting up the place to look super romantic?"

Jack was sweating now. "Y-Yeah..." he said.

I sighed. "Since they're already doing it, it'd be rude to reject. Sure, I'll come."

"Really? Thank you!" He said, lifting me up for another big embrace.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder. 'He's surprisingly comfortable...' I thought.

Jack laughed. "Getting comfy, aren't you?" he said.

I blushed as he noticed what I just did. "No! I'm just holding on in case you drop me," I said.

Suddenly, Jack turned me and carried me bridal style. "You know I won't drop something as precious as you," Jack said. "Let's go for a walk, shall we?"

With that, Jack carried me as he wandered around the Arms Factory. "If you continue this, the other survivors will get away," I said.

"It doesn't matter," Jack said. "As long as I'm spending time with you, I'm happy."

Then, we crossed paths with Lucky. "Lucky, help me!" I said.

Jack looked at me in shock. "Wha- but I'm not hurting yo-"

He was cut off when Lucky shot him in the face with a flare gun. Jack cried in pain as he dropped me. "Come on!" Lucky said, pulling me to safety.

"Naib!" Jack called, still recovering from the blast. "Wait, come back!"

Lucky and I ran and hid behind a tank. Lucky peeked behind it, "I think we lost him," he said. Then, he turned to me and said, "Are you hurt?"

"No, I'm fine, thanks," I said.

"Good, let's keep decoding."

I nodded as I followed him to the cipher machine nearby.

Not long after, we've successfully decoded five machines and opened the exit gate. Then, Kurt and Emily caught up to us. "Great job guys," Emily said.

Lucky laughed proudly. "We did great this round! Come on, let's get out of here," he said with everyone following him out.

Everyone but me.

My heart was beating fast when Jack came up to me. "So, I'll see you tonight?" Jack said.

I nodded before turning to leave. I was almost out before Jack grabbed my hand. "Wait," he said. He took off his mask and pulled me back, closing the gap between our lips.

My eyes widened in surprise, but before I could react he pushed me to the exit.


"Wh... What was that? Out of nowhere..." I muttered.


3 chapters in a day, plus other things I have to do, I am spent.
Good night everyone -.-zzz

Next up, Yandere!Lucky x Freddy! -w-

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