Secret (Wu Chang x Joseph)

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This was requested by fluffy_shadows!
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Sorry I'm still not good in romance :')

Next request: Joseph x Aesop

(White Guard) Wu Chang's P.O.V
The hunters and I sat around the table, eating our breakfast. Using a pair of chopsticks to pick up some noodles, I slurped them up. The taste of the chicken noodle soup lingered in my mouth as I savoured it.

I glanced to the empty seat beside me. 'He's late again, what could he be doing?' I thought. I stood up and excused myself. "I'll go get Joseph," I said. The others responded with a nod or an "okay" as I left.

I went to his room and knocked on the door. "Joseph?" I called. "Your food's getting cold."

"C-Coming!" he said impatiently. There was shuffling noises from the other side before he opened the door. His nervous look was evident that he was hiding something.

"What were you doing in there?" I asked.

"..Nothing," he answered.

'Lying. Obviously,' Black remarked. Joseph couldn't hear him as he was in the umbrella but I could.

"Right..," I said, eyeing him for a while. "Well, your food's getting cold. Come on."

We shared a comfortable silence as he went to the dining. 'Hey White, want to snoop around in his room?' Black asked.

"Why?" I muttered soft enough so Joseph doesn't hear.

'Oh come on, you've noticed too haven't you? He's been acting strange lately. I need to know what he's hiding,' Black continued.

"It's not good to snoop around, we could just ask," I mumbled.

Black groaned. 'He won't let us know anyway. What part of 'hiding' do you not understand?'

I stopped in my tracks and spoke up. "Joseph," I said, catching his attention. "Are you... hiding something?"

Joseph's face turned slightly pink as he turned away. "No, what makes you think that?" he asked.

"It's just that you're not acting like yourself lately," I said again. "Are you alright? You know you can tell me anything."

Joseph looked back at me hesitantly. He opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it and turned back. "I-It's nothing, I'm fine. Really," he said.

I frowned as he continued to push me away. 'Told you he won't tell us. Time to check out his room,' Black said, chuckling.

"That's a better way than this...," I muttered.

'Come on..! I'm worried about him too okay? If he's not going to tell us how are we supposed to help him?' Black said.

I furrowed my brows as I stared at Joseph's back in guilt. "He'll tell us when he's ready," I whispered.

'And when will that be? Days? 'Cause it's already been days, and now it's becoming weeks,' Black said.

I sighed in defeat. "I need to use the bathroom," I spoke up. "You can go eat your breakfast, I'll catch up with you later."

Joseph nodded before we went opposite directions. "Whatever happens is entirely your fault," I said to Black.

'Yeah yeah, I can take it.'

Soon, I arrived at Joseph's door. I took a deep breath before twisting the door knob. Locked, of course. 'That's not a problem,' Black said.

I casted the umbrella through the wall and let black take over. 'Try not to break anything,' I said.

"Yeah, I can try," Black said, emphasising the word 'try'.


"I'm kidding, I'm kidding," he said as he looked around the room. Everything was kept nice and tidy, as expected. Black noticed a drawer that was opened ajar as it was not closed properly.

He opened it and found a photo album. "This is what he's hiding?" Black held the book up, confused.

'Maybe it's something else,' White said.

Just then, the door clicked open and Joseph entered the room. His eyes widened in horror and he went to snatch the album away.

Due to their height difference, Black easily held the book up high and out of reach from the photographer. "G-Give it back!" Joseph said, hopelessly reaching for it.

"Why? What's in here?" Black asked.

Joseph blushed and jumped higher to reached it. "Nothing, please give it back," he said. Unfortunately for him he was too short.

"Tell us what's bothering you and I'll give it back," Black said, holding the book above his head.

Joseph's face was red with embarrassment. After a short silence, Black opened the album to see. He caught a glimpse of candid photographs him and White before Joseph snatched it back.

"That was from our day off at the amusement park," Black said. "How many candids did you take?"

"Not many. I took candids of everyone," Joseph defended.

"'Not many'? There was at least two pages full of White and I," Black said accusingly.

Joseph kept the album back in his drawer, his back faced Black as he blushed harder. "Could it be that Joseph is interested in us~?" Black teased.

Joseph remained silent as he stared at the ground. "Yes...," he mumbled.

"Don't be shy Joseph," Black said. He opened his umbrella and I emerged from it. Black and I stood side by side as we smiled at Joseph.

Joseph turned around to face us, his face still flushed. I sighed in relief. "I thought you were going through a serious problem," I said. "Don't scare me like that."

Joseph blushed harder. "H-How is this not a serious problem? You weren't supposed to find out...," he said. "You probably think I'm a creep now, don't you..?"

Black and I shared surprised glances. "'Course we don't," Black said, ruffling his hair.

"We love you too, Joseph," I said as I felt my face heat up slightly. Joseph's eyes widened for a moment before he smiled.

"Come on, our breakfast is waiting," I said. Joseph nodded and followed behind me. He walked in the middle while his hands intertwined with mine and Black's.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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