A Special Place in My Heart (Lucky x Suicidal!Freddy)

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⚠️Trigger warning. Read at your own risk.

This was requested by Whitecrystal346!
Thank you for requesting~
Enjoy ^^

Lucky's P.O.V.
I yawned as I exit my room. I didn't sleep well last night. The last game was so horrifying, and it's all my fault, I messed up the rescue and we lost.

Hastur should be banned from using his tentacles. I shivered as I recalled back when two of the huge tentacles hit me at the same time, knocking me out.

I heard a door creak open and saw Freddy coming out of his room. He looked sad. "Morning, Freddy," I said, waving at him.

I looked at me, surprised. "Morning," he said.

"Let's go to the main hall together, breakfast should be ready," I said. Freddy nodded and followed by my side. I noticed him limping slightly. "Are you hurt?" I asked.

Freddy looked nervous at first but his face turned normal the next second. "I'm fine, I just fell and hit my leg. It's okay though, it's just a small bruise," he said.

"Oh, okay," I said. I had a gut feeling that he was lying, I'll keep a close eye on him.

When we arrived at the table, there were trays of chicken lasagna nicely arranged on it. For a crazy and creepy host, he sure knows how to prepare a meal.

"These smell good," I said, sitting beside Freddy. "Since we're early, you don't have to worry about Kreacher eating your food."

Freddy smiled as he nodded. I took a scope of the lasagna, savouring the flavour of the cheese. "Mmm~ These are good~" I said.

Not long after, the other survivors joined us. "Lasagna?" said Vera. "Finally, some real food."

"What did we do to deserve this?" asked Tracy.

Martha shrugged. "Maybe it's because we did a good job recently?" she said.

'Did we though...?' I thought, recalling the last match when we were utterly defeated. I noticed Freddy stopped eating as he spaced out in his own little world.

"Freddy?" I said. He didn't seem to hear me. I called him again, a little louder this time. He blinked as he looked at me. "You okay?" I said.

"Yeah... I'm just.. not hungry," he said, putting down his spoon. "I'll be in my room."

My eyes widened in surprise. "Hey, wait for me," I called out. I put his food on my tray and brought it to his room. He was acting just like yesterday; lack of appetite, always in his room, spacing out all the time, and that limp he has...

'Wait... could he be...'

I balanced the tray with one hand as I knocked his door, only to find out it was unlocked. The door was left ajar as he didn't close it properly.

Slowly, I pushed open the door and saw Freddy taking something from his drawer. "Freddy, can I come in?" I said, startling him.

He quickly shut his drawer and looked at me. "Uh, s-sure," he said.

I entered his room and placed the tray on his desk. "If you don't eat your food, Kreacher's going to steal it you know," I said.

"It's fine, I wasn't hungry anyway," Freddy said.

'Something's not right...' I thought. I reached for his drawer as he swatted my hand away.

"What are you doing?" he said.

"Freddy, I've had a suspicion for a while now," I said, looking at him worriedly. "Are you harming yourself?"

He looked at me with wide eyes. His eyebrows curved down as he looked away.

"Freddy..." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. "You can tell me anything, you know that."

"I... I just...," he said. Suddenly, he hugged me and hid his face in my shoulder. "I just feel so u-useless... N-Nobody wants me on their team. Because I don't have a special item to use that can help them..."

I felt liquid on my shoulder and realised he was crying. I pat his back, comforting him. "You may not have a 'special' item. But you're special to me," I said. "I love you Freddy, please... don't hurt yourself."

Freddy hugged me tighter. "I.. I love you too," he said. "I'm sorry, I-I won't do it again..."

I moved him up so that he faces me. "Promise?" I said, forcing a smile.

He was reluctant, like he wasn't sure if he could really do it. "...Promise," he finally said.

Then, he embraced me again. "Could we stay like this a little longer?" he asked.

I understood and smiled as I returned the hug. "Of course."

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