Chapter 4

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Zaras POV

"Faiza slow down!"

The University was buzzing with voices. It was their final year and the results just came up. Zara and her friend Faiza were in their final Semester. Both of them were studying pharmacy and had known each other since kindergarten.

"Uff Zara you walk like an old lady." Huffed Zara's friend Faiza while grabbing her wrist and shoving the pupils that were on their path. Finally, they had reached the blackboard where the results hung.

"YEAH!!! ZARA WE PASSED ALHAMDULLILAH!!" while Faiza was screaming Zara let out a laugh and grinned at her crazy friend who was bouncing up and down in excitement.

"I can't believe that we are finished with University, we had such a nice time studying and learning new things." Sighed a sad Zara while looking at the Libary.

"Zara are you crazy who in their right mind would miss studying for exams." Zara playfully rolled her eyes at her friend and grabbed her hand.

"Let's go and eat some Ice-Cream drama queen it's my treat." The girls walked towards the exit of the University.

The Mall was only ten minutes away from their Uni and was buzzing with Peoples. Zara and Faiza walked inside their favorite Cafe and ordered their favorite Ice-Cream.

"So Faiza what are your plans after Uni?" Faiza blushed and giggled like a schoolgirl.

"Erm.. well you see my father's best friend has a son who just finished his Masters in business Economy and ..well they asked for my hand."

"Are you kidding me waah Faiza I am so happy for you.." Zara hugged her dear friend and smiled.

"So what is our future Jijus name?" Faiza blushed and playfully slapped her friend's shoulder.

"Ok stop it ..what are your plans."

"I don't know I really wanted to continue my studies", after paying for their order, the girls decided to do some shopping.

"Zara my Ammi just called me, she needs my help for the dinner party, I will see you tomorrow." A frantic Faiza hugged her friend and went to the car that was waiting for her. Zara waved her friend and smiled, Faiza sure was a crazy girl. As she was waiting for their driver Nasir to pick her up it started to rain.

"Uff why does it have to rain know."

Just as she was about to cross the road a car came in full speed.

"Allah please save me."

Haiders POV

Fucking traffic jam wasting my time.

I hit the steering wheel and growled in annoyance. I looked out of my car and let out a huge breath. The traffic jam was cleared, I stepped on the gas and just as I was about to pick up the speed a girl crossed the road.

I stepped on the breaks and opened my door.

"Are you out your mind girl can't you see..."

I immediately stopped talking, because doe-eyes stared back at me. The same eyes that have plagued by dreams. Her long brown hair was slightly covered by a scarf and she was drenched from top to bottom, her eyes stared back at me and held fear. I growled and glared at her.

" Will you move or are you keen to kill yourself."

" I-am sor-ry I wa-s not looking at the ro-ad."

"I have not the time for it will you just step away from the road."

I looked at my Rolex watch and growled, fuck not only am I late because of a stupid girl know I also have to change my drenched clothes. The girl nodded and hastily walked away.

"Sor-ry.." I stared her retreating back and quickly moved to my car.

What a stupid girl, know I am going to be late for the fucking meeting.

Hey guys another update, please vote and comment and tell me what you think of Haiders Character :) also a huge thank you to Nabila_12 for the Poster.

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