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-The Ark, Prison floor (also known as "the brig")-

Megatron groaned as his systems sputtered to life after being offline for so long. He held his head and slowly sat up, his optics taking in his surroundings.

He was in a dark room that reminded him of his berthroom. But something told him that he wasn't back at base... he was somewhere else.

He went to stand when the pounding in his head returned. He clutched his head and gritted his denta hard, hunching over and staring at the floor. "That... blasted... medicine.." he snarled, the pounding getting increasingly more painful.

"Megatron?" A soft voice made him freeze.

He took in a sharp vent and glanced up, seeing Optimus standing there with a datapad in his hand. The pounding in his head faded away and he didn't even notice it as he stared into Optimus's sad optics. "W-What are you doing here?! Where am I?!" He demanded, banging his fist on the berth he was sitting on.

"We found you out in the desert unconscious, so we brought you back here. How are you feeling?" Optimus asked, stepping into the cell and gently closing the door behind him.

Megatron growled and looked away, ignoring the dull sparkache in his chest. "I'm.. fine..."

Optimus hesitated at first before taking a seat next to Megatron. He set the datapad in his lap and sighed. "Something tells me you're lying to me. You don't have to lie about your feelings, Megatron."

"I'm not! I just.... I.... I don't want to burden you with my pain and suffering...." Megatron muttered under his breath, his broad shoulders sagging with exhaustion.

Optimus glanced at the datapad in his lap and quickly typed something before looking back at Megatron. "You aren't going to burden me. You aren't the only one who feels this way..."

Megatron's head whipped back to face Optimus, his optics wide with surprise. "You... you feel what I feel inside? Dull pain and aching?"

Optimus nodded, tapping his fingers on his knee absentmindedly. "Ever since we were forced to break apart, I've been feeling it. Deep within my spark, something was yearning to break free..."

Megatron growled, covering his face with his hands. He had caused Optimus this pain, it was his fault this whole war started! He felt coolant pooling in his optics, but he held them back. "I'm sorry..."


"I'm sorry about this stupid war... I started it all because I was too focused on my own stupid interests.... I'm a horrible person...." Megatron choked on his tears, feeling them slowly roll down his cheeks.

Optimus felt bad for Megatron. He had never seen him cry like this before, especially after the war started. He always thought that Megatron was a cold-hearted, emotionless shell of his former self. Now he knew his true feelings.

Optimus slowly wrapped his arms around Megatron's frame, feeling coolant pool in his own optics. "You aren't a horrible person... you just couldn't see into the future and realize that what you were doing was wrong. We've all made mistakes before, some more than others..."

"Do you plan on preaching to me this whole time?" Megatron sniffed, a small chuckle escaping his throat. He felt Optimus loosen up and bit and huffed. "Hold me, dammit." He growled, pulling Optimus closer to him.

Optimus chuckled a little as well, wiping the tears from his face. "You are so demanding... that's why I love you.."

"How could you possibly love a monster like me? I don't understand.." Megatron sighed, tipping Optimus's head up by his chin so he could look into his optics.

"Love always finds a way, no matter what." Optimus smiled under his faceplate, stroking Megatron's rough cheek.

"Hmph, I don't believe it but..." Megatron smirked, a twinkle in his red optics. "Take off that silly plate for once, I want to see your face."

Optimus blushed and glanced away, afraid to take off his faceplate. It's been so long since he last took it off that he forgot what it felt like. "I-I'm not sure...."

"Come on... do it for me.." Megatron whispered in that sweet, husky voice that just had Optimus falling head over heels for him.

Optimus giggled, scooting up onto Megatron's lap and looking up at him. "As you wish..." he pressed two fingers on both sides of the faceplate, clicking the mechanisms and gently pulling the plate off to reveal the rest of his face that was usually hidden.

"Ahh, there it is... I still see Orion Pax before me." Megatron sighed, his finger stroking across Optimus's cheek close to his mouth.

"We both know he is gone, Megatron." Optimus said, getting used to the feeling of not having his faceplate on. He blushed harder when Megatron pulled him closer to his frame.

"Right, but parts of him are still there. I can feel it..." Megatron smiled, leaning in close to Optimus's face. His face was a deep shade of red, matching the color of his optics perfectly.

Optimus froze up when he felt Megatron's warm breath on his face as he leaned in closer. "W-What are you doing??" He stammered, gulping nervously.

"What I should've done centuries ago..." Megatron mumbled, pressing his lips against Optimus's.

Optimus just about overloaded his circuits right there. His optics widened and his face turned bright red. He was soon lulled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Megatron's neck, pulling himself closer.

The blissful moment went on for a few minutes until the sound of pedesteps interrupted them.

"Hey Prime? Sorry to bother you but— WHAT THE HELL?!" Ironhide exclaimed, so shocked that he stumbled backwards into the wall.

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