Loyal to Megatron

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-The High Desert-

"Are you sure about this, Megatron? What if the Decepticons that are still loyal to Starscream attack?" Optimus asked as he stepped over a large dune, his bright blue optics scanning the horizon.

"They can try all they want, but no one would dare attack you while I'm around..." Megatron huffed, checking his scanner. "I told Soundwave to meet me at these coordinates. He should be here soon..." As he said that, Laserbeak swooped down beside him and perched on his shoulder, cawing softly.

"Laserbeak? This is the first time that I haven't needed to shoot that bird out of the sky..." Optimus chuckled, earning a warning screech from Laserbeak.

"Just be calm, Soundwave means well. He is forever loyal to me as well as some of the others. I'm not sure who he's bringing along, though." Megatron mumbled, gently stroking Laserbeak's head with his finger.

Optimus looked to the horizon again, spotting a group of bots approaching their position. "I'm guessing that's them?"

Megatron nodded, turning to face them as they grew closer.

Soundwave was at the front of the group, skidding to a stop in the sand. He was soon followed by Shockwave, Swindle, and Thundercracker.

Megatron looked over them with a slight smile on his face, but he was disappointed that this was all of them. There was no more coming, which meant they were with that blasted mech Starscream. "I take it that you couldn't convince the others to change their mind?" He grumbled, allowing Laserbeak to return to Soundwave.

"Affirmative. Starscream proves to be a persuasive speaker. However, he lacks the skills of which you possess." Soundwave replied in a dull voice, clicking Laserbeak back into his subspace.

"Of course he does, that ignorant pest..." Megatron growled, his optics landing on Thundercracker. "Why are you here? I thought you wanted to stay loyal to your trine."

Thundercracker cleared his throat and flicked his wings, looking up at Optimus and Megatron. "Starscream is no leader, Lord Megatron. I came because I wanted peace. And I believe that this..." he paused gesturing to the group and then Optimus standing next to Megatron. "...is what we need to succeed. It's a pleasure to meet you somewhere besides the battlefield, Prime."

Optimus nodded, surprised by how welcoming these Decepticons were. "I'm glad you have made the choice that better suits us all. Welcome to the team."

"Lord Megatron, if I may interject, I possess sensitive information that must be discussed in secret, away from the eyes and ears of Starscream." Shockwave spoke up, his one optic gleaming.

"Yeah, we got intel on something big that he's plannin' on doing!" Swindle added, his purple optics shimmering with mischief.

"Alright then... Decepticons! Follow me and Optimus Prime back to base! The Autobots are aware of your arrival, so do not engage! We are here for peace, not war!" Megatron shouted, his commanding presence being very effective when he spoke.

"Yes, Lord Megatron!" They replied, following Optimus and Megatron back to the Ark, where the other Autobots were waiting.

It was a strange sight to see Megatron and a small group of his followers following Optimus Prime, but that didn't matter. They all had the same goal, whether they were Autobot or Decepticon.

They all wanted peace. And Starscream was not about to let that happen, not while he was the new leader of the Decepticons.

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