Devising a plan

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-The Ark-

"So how exactly are you plannin' on kicking Starscream's aft, boss?" Swindle asked, sticking close to the former warlord's side since he still wasn't used to being around so many Autobots.

"I'm going to lure him out by challenging him. Knowing his boisterous nature, I know he couldn't turn down the offer. Once he is out in the open, the rest of you will attack and capture him." Megatron replied, his red optics fixated on the hallway before him.

"And what about us? I'm sure we can help somehow." Optimus said, leaning against Megatron's shoulder and looking up at him.

"You can be a distraction. I don't want you anywhere near me if Starscream decides to cheat and ambush me with his followers. I can handle them." The former warlord answered, glancing at Soundwave. "Soundwave, any reports on others that wish to follow me?"

"Negative, communications have been scrambled." Soundwave replied, tapping at a screen on his forearm.

"Alright. Send Laserbeak to investigate and bring back more information." Megatron said, keeping Optimus close to him.

"Affirmative. Laserbeak, eject. Operation: Infiltration." Soundwave droned, the compartment in his chassis opening. Laserbeak squawked and flew out, glancing at Soundwave before darting towards the exit.

"Lord Megatr— err, Megatron, what do you plan to do once Starscream and the other traitors are captured?" Shockwave asked, his one optic gleaming as he turned his head to look at the larger mech.

"Keep them in cells until they either surrender or join our cause. Do you have anything to add, Optimus?" Megatron said, glancing at the Prime as they walked into a room.

"Yes. I plan on interrogating some of them to uncover more information. Should they agree to join our cause, I will have Prowl put them through processing to make sure they are being truthful." Optimus replied, slipping his hand into Megatron's and holding it gently.

"Excellent." Megatron said, smiling as he paused and turned to face his followers. "Your quarters will be in here for now. If you even think about messing with any Autobot in this base, you will come directly to me and face the consequences. Am I clear?"

Swindle nodded and ducked behind Thundercracker's leg. "Y-Yes, boss..."

"Affirmative." Soundwave answered dully, turning on his heel and walking towards a berthroom in the corner.

"Clear as day, Megatron." Shockwave said, following Soundwave and choosing the berthroom next to his.

Thundercracker nodded, kicking Swindle away from him and strolling over to one of the berthrooms.

Once they all disappeared into their own berthroom, Megatron turned to Optimus with a grin on his face. "Why don't we go finish what we started?" He asked, bending down and kissing the Prime on the helm.

Optimus blushed, nuzzling Megatron's helm and holding his arm. "Sure." He led him to his berthroom so they could continue cuddling on his berth.

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