The Death Flight was defeated

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Piper POV

I was at the beach with Percy, Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, Will, Nico, Leo, Calypso, Thalia (the hunters where visiting camp to help fix it up after the war), and Jason when Chiron trotted down.

"I hate to tell you this especially after the war but Hectate has a quest for you and you need to come with me to the big house."

We all groaned but slowly got up and followed him to the big house after Percy dried us all off. "We where just trying to have some fun at the beach can't we catch a break." I heard Annabeth say.

Once we got to the big house and we all took a seat around the ping pong table and looked at Chiron waiting for him to explain the quest.

"As I already said there is a quest for you to go to the wizarding world-

"Wizards are real!?!?" Jason cut him off. "But that's impossible there just myths!"

"They are just as much of a myth as you and I are now let explain the quest" Chiron responded getting a few groans at the mention of the quest even though we already knew about. But before he could continue it was Annabeths turn to ask a question.

"How are there wizards like are they children of Hectate or what???"

"Well Annabeth a millennia ago Hecate blessed a certain group of mortals with magic but they had to channel it though something which is why they use wands as I was saying, the wizards just had there own war though it was not as bad as the one we had but war is still war and deaths still happened." At the mention of war we all got the same sad look on our faces. Gods I hated that stupid war killing so many innocent people.We all also teared up a little when Chiron mentioned deaths for we thought of all the people we knew that died.

"Anyways this boy named Harry Potter and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley defeated a wizard that had gone evil and gathered a bunch of followers that called themselves death eaters."

We all snorted "Who would want to eat Thanatos?" I said. "I do not know" Chiron said with a hint of smile on his face but it quickly became Sirius again

"There leader, the evil wizard, name was Voldemort." We all laughed until Leo said "Who names their kid moldyshorts." We promptly started laughing again

"No you idiot" I said between laughs "Voldemort or translated from french Death Flight or Flight of Death"

Annabeth POV

We where all still laughing at Leo's moldyshorts comment when Chiron continued "Anyways you need to go undercover as eighth years at a wizarding school called hogwarts" That got us all laughing even harder

"Wait" I managed to say while laughing"There is a school *laugh* named after pigs *laugh* with warts" We all laughed even harder until Chiron silenced us by continuing talking

"You leave for the wizarding world tommorow, Hectate will explain everything at some point in time before you go too the school which starts on September 1st. Oh and one more thing before you go, usually students only stay for 7 years but because of the war all the 7th years from last year are repeating there year. You may go now"

We all left the big house to go pack with a mixture of laughing and grumbling about the quest wich made for quiet an odd noise.

Time skip to dinner

At dinner we announced that we where going on a quest and Chiron told everyone that we could sit wherever we wanted because nobody would be seeing us for a year and vice versa. So obviously I decided to sit with my seaweed brain, "Have you finished packing yet?" I asked

"No" he grinned "I was hoping you would help me" He kissed me but when we pulled away I smacked him "Your such a seaweed brain"

Hey this is future me. I hate how this book turned out and I lost heart at the end so I'm working on rewriting this book. I'll leave this one up and I'll let you guys know when the new one (Wich will have the same plot and stuff) is up. Untill then I love you all have a great day and hopefully majority of your life

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