So it begins

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SONG: Wheres my Love by SYML

For the place of the quest I zoomed out on google maps so it showed the whole earth and dropped the little yellow man in a spot I swear it was just coincidence where it landed

Weeks had passed since the announcment of war and the wizards where hard at work training. The camps had finally arrived and everythignwas being prepared.

"I can't beleive we have to fight in another war, well I can the fates haten us but I just wish it wasn't so soon" Percy ranted beofre bed when night.

"I feel you man but right now I need sleep we can spar in the morning, with powers to help get rid of some of our stress ok." Leo responded in attempt to calm Percy down so he could sleep, because at the moment he was a zombie he was so tired.

"your right man lets sleep" Percy and Leo both passed out beofre their heads hit the pillows. Little did they know their dreams would get interupted as they frequently where. "Hectate?" Dream Percy asked seeing he was in a room with Leo and Hectate.

"yes my demigods I need your help, my power is depleating, but I know why thats where you too come in. But first I will teach you new spells that didn't exsist before. They will help your wizard friends greatly." Hectate responded. The next few nights Hectate trained Percy and Leo and they taught the wizards the new spells and tricks they learned the nexted day. Weeks went by before Hectate finally told the two what she needed help with.

Thalia POV

"Annabeth I get your worried about Percy I am to he's my cousin. But you need to listen to us we are trying to help we have valuable ideas to help with this WAR so you need to start listening Percy will be fine but we won't until you start being a leader again. I know you want Percy but all these people are gonna die unless you start acting as the leader you are again." I yelled. Annabeth had locked herself away when Percy had gone, she couldn't handle Percy being on a quest without her, I understand Annabeths worried about him but we tried be nice and gentle she needs tough love right now. "So as I was saying either come out or give your title as leader to someone else until you can function again."

"Sorry I'm worried about my boyfriend dieing but sure its not that big of deal I'll just pretend nothings wrong and come lead if thats what you want" Annabeth yelled back passive agressivly, stomping out of the room.

"Thats not what I ment and you know. We are all worried about Percy and Leo and Harry but we still have an army to train we can't just lock ourselves away. We tried being gentle but that wasn't working Annabeth. Those wizards need you, if we show signs of worry and doubt they might think its about them or the enemy, so yes you need to get out and start leading but you don't need to pretend nothings wrong. This is a dam war we are preparing for and we are all about to break but we need to stay strong for the others ok."


Leo was tired, they had been walking for hours in order to find an ocean where Percy would take them torwards the states, in Logan Utah, to "The First Dam Park" Percy had burst out laughing, way to hard when Hectate told them the name. Percy then told Thalia the name and she also burst out laughing way too hard.

"We need to tell Grover" Thalia told Percy during a breath.

"I know its funny but its not that funny" Harry said, confused.

"Inside joke" Percy and Thalia said at the same time, it was kinda freaky...

"Leo, LEO" Percy was yelling "You zoned out we found water"

"oh right ya"

"Now can one of you tell me where we are going and what we are retrieving, cause I was not paying attention at all to what Hectate said when she was explaining this." Percy asked. Classic Pery I shook my head and opened my mouth to answer.

"Your such an idiot sometimes we have to go to... I wasn't listening either. I thought I was, must have zoned out."

"You crackers we have to go to the States in Utah to the first dam park." Harry scolded.

"Well I know where we are going I forget what we need to get" I explained.

"A staff and acient magical staff, and Percy why are you laughing?" Harry looked confused, I glanced over to see Percy rolling on the floor laughing.

"inside joke" Percy laughed out before attempting to compose himself.

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