Planning for War

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The golden trio walked quickly too the room of requirment, their chosen companions following behind. They entered to see the demigods waiting at a large ping pong table with a variety of snacks laid out.

"why a ping pong table" Hermione voiced everyones question.

"because at the greek camp our meeting table where pretty much every important decsion is made is a ping pong table and it would feel wrong to plan this war at a proper table." Percy replied like it was obvious, because for him it was. "Anyway, I don't beleive I know all your companions and it would be wrong not to know the names of everyone on the war council so lets go around and share names. I'll start, my name is Percy Jackson"

Everyone went and by the end they had a war council of 21 featuring Percy and Annabeth (co leaders), Leo (second in command), Clarisse (3rd in command), Hazel, Frank, Jason, Will, Nico, Piper, Thalia, Hermione, Harry, Ron, Neville, Ginny, Draco, Chris, Travis, Conner, and Katie. Yes normally a war council only had 15 members but the demigods obviously needed to include some wizards or else it would have been, plus when did they ever do normal.

"For training we should have the teachers teach advanced defence and offence spells for the magical fights, we can train the wizards to get them into shape and speed up their training with non magical weapons along with hand to hand combat. Once the camps get here we can have to Hepheastus cabin build more weapons, the Ares cabin can help design the weapons. Ares cabin will help with weapons combat and Aphrodite cabin will help with hand to hand combat. Hermes cabin can help with agility and spy-y stuff." Leo explained the plan he had come up with as he said it.

"Now who could the enemy be" Katie started the nexted topic.

"It could be death eaters who still haven't been caught" Ron suggested.

"And rogue demigods or minor gods/godesses, probably the minors if their teaming up with mosters unless theres another titan or something of the sorts coming" Travis suggested. Suddenly and IM from Chiron appeared, causing the wizards to jump back.

"Hello young demi gods I would like to inform you we will not be able to come for another week or so, and Rachel had a prophecy" Hazel grabbed and pen and paper from the table ready to write down the prophecy.

"wrath will fall up
as mist fades away
21 shall make the choice
lead them to death
or fight side by side
magic will be restored
when the sea rises
down go's the sky
leaving them behind"

With that Chiron hung up leaving the council to discuss the prohpecy. "This is obviously big if theres another great prophecy that Percy will no doubt be the center of" Jason joked. "Now for the prophecy it says 'mist fades away' and 'magic will be restored' do you think it has something to do with Hectate?"

Sorry it's short. I wasn't going t post this quite yet but I decided to post it to console my fellow Canadians after the turn out of the elections. Trudeau won again but at least it's only minority not majority also nexted time elections happen I can vote unless it happens in 2 years cause they do a re election when no laws have been passed for first 2 years after an election wich happens alot of the time with a minority government.

Also if your liberals that's fine I don't judge yoy I'm just very against them cause Canada is falling apart because of trudeau and Alberta I don't even know where to begin on what he's done to Alberta so this isn't ment to offend anyone just me sharing my opinion on the elections outcomes I'm perfectly fine if you don't agree with them

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