LuciusxFemaleReader story
When Y/N parents die she moves in with their close friends at Dante Manor. Whenever she gets close to someone something happens to them. What's with the deaths and murders and most importantly what is up with that creepy b...
Disclaimer: This story contains bad language, references to things (such as satan, drugs alcohol, violence, sex, etc) and all the stuff in the game Lucius 1, 2, and 3. I do not own any of the art. If you don't like or agree with any of these things please leave. I do not own any of the characters or the rights to Lucius. Y/N Your name L/N Last name A/N Aunts name
June 1 1979 It had been exactly one month since my parents died. I stayed with my aunt A/N (aunts name) until now she said I was difficult and a spoiled child which I really wasn't she was just vile and hated children. So now I was going to live with good friends of my parents the Wagners at Dante Manor. I was told by my aunt that I'd met them once when I was a small child but I don't remember them. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the car I was in pulled up to the manor. I got out of the car and walked up to the porch all while looking at the gigantic manor. 'I can't believe I'm going to be living here now' I thought as I rang the doorbell waiting with the few things I had. A maid with black hair answered the door. "You must be Ms. Y/N L/N please come in and follow me to the sitting room" she said as I followed her inside the house. After just taking a few confusing turns I realized that I'd never be able to find my way through the house. We made it to the the sitting room where we were greeted by a man and a woman who were both sitting on one of the couches. The woman spoke first. "You must be Y/N it's so nice to see you again." she said. "I'm Nancy and this is my husband Charles." I gave them a small smile and said "Thanking you Mr. and Mrs. Wagner for taking me in and letting me stay here for a while. I also will help out with anything here if anything needs help." "Oh it's no problem sweetie and don't worry about needing to help out or anything you just focus on getting settled in. Susan will show you to your room. Dinner will be in about an an hour, our butler Alistair will come and get you then." Mrs. Wagner said as Susan started to take me up to my room. "Oh and Y/N, please call me Nancy" Nancy added.
30 minutes later The room Susan took me to was small but nicer than the one I had at my aunts. I started to unpack the few things I had which consisted of a few day outfits, a nightgown, a pair of flats, a coat and a cross necklace that my mother gave to me when I was very young. She said it would always keep me safe and would ward off any evil. I took it off during the car ride not wanting to offend the Wagners incase they weren't religious but I saw a cross hung up in the sitting room, I saw it as fine to put on the necklace. Alistair brought me downstairs for dinner where I was greeted by everybody in the house. I sat next to Nancy feeling famished. "There's one more person we'd like you to meet Y/N. We think you two will get along very well." Mr. Wagner says before calling out a name. "Lucius could you please come here, there's someone we'd like you to meet." I see a boy appear in the doorway where the stairs are. He has black hair and pale white skin. He was dressed in very formal attire and had a deadpan look on his face. I don't even know him but I don't trust him. Something about the way he dresses, looks, and the vibes he gives off is just off. My parents always told me never judge a book by its cover but there was a sketching atmosfear after he walked in. He took the seat next to Charles and was across from Nancy. "Y/N I'd like you to meet my son Lucius. He turns 13 on the 6th. You're about 13 aren't you Y/N?" Charles says and I felt all eyes on me. But I didn't really mind it, it was the fact that Lucius's eyes were on me. I could tell he had dark brown eyes almost black and they seemed to be filled with hatred. Then I saw what he was staring at; he was staring at my cross necklace. I snapped back to reality and answer Charles question. "I'm 12, I turn 13 on July 1st." I said softly looking down at my plate. "That's wonderful Y/N. I'd be so nice for Lucius to have a playmate now. Growing up mostly around adults caused him to be shy towards others but I bet he'd love to have a friend like you. Now everyone lets eat in honor of our new guest." Nancy declared. After dinner I had a long day and was tired. Nancy had said she hired a private tutor for her son because she wished to see him get the best education possible and she wanted the same for me. But this meant spending more time with Lucius tomorrow. "I have to stop thinking all these negative thoughts. He's a kid just like you and he was just shy today. I'm sure he'll talk tomorrow. Like Nancy said he's most likely lonely growing up with adults all his life." I said out loud. 'Tomorrow I'm going to make the best out of our lesson time and I will try to talk to him and see if he'll show me around the house afterwards.' I thought as I climbed into bed as my eyes got real heavy. "Tomorrow will be a better day" I said as I drifted off into sleep.
Well I hope you liked my story. So this is my first story that I published (I've written some before but never published them) I really hope people will like this because I'm trying to stay as close to the storyas possible but at the same time I'm trying not to be tied down to doing things exactly the way they were in the story. Season 3 is supposed to come out before2019 and I already have a plan for what's going to happen for season 2 but I'll see how season 3 fits in. I do plan to try to have season 3 involved in my story but we'll see. I'm afreshman in high school so I can't always be working on this story but I'll try to post at least once a week. I know someauthors don't add in birthdays because of a few different reasons and if they do its an assigned birthday date and I usuallyhate that but try to just go along with your birthday being July 1st because it's gonna connect to the story at some point. And yes the next chapter will go into more detail on what Lucius thinks of you and get moredescriptive. I'm gonna add a map at either the ended of each chapter or in the picture at the top. (Today it's at the bottom) your bedroom in #4 on the 3rd floor. The sitting room was the same as the dinning room (Nancy andCharles in the beginning were sitting where Gene will sit when he dies) also the maps are from the actual game I believe. Thank you for reading and I look forward to reading you comments. Peace peace. Floor 1
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Floor 2
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Floor 3
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