Fatal affair

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Disclaimer: This story contains bad language, references to things (such as satan, drugs alcohol, violence, sex, etc) and all the stuff in the game Lucius 1, 2, and 3. I do not own any of the art. If you don't like or agree with any of these things please leave. I do not own any of the characters or the rights to Lucius.
It was a little over a week since Alistair died. It was a little over a week since I got the dress I saw at the shop with Nancy in November. It was a little over a week since Christmas. It was a little over a week since I gave Lucius his rabbit present. But most important it was a little over a week since I felt different feelings towards Lucius. I loved the necklace he gave me, it made me feel close to him. I felt the need to always be around him. I was convinced that what I saw was real. Lucius did really kill Ivor and there's a good chance he's behind all the deaths at Dante Manor. Lucius wasn't human. No human could cause a piano to float and fall on someone. On Christmas I had fainted after he put the necklace on. Since then I knew the necklace had to do something with me fainting but every time I tried to take it off I was put into a trance by it. I would stare longingly at it sometimes for hours, I couldn't help myself the red jewel was just so beautiful and I couldn't look away. I would finally snap out of it once someone knocked on my door. Before the necklace everytime I thought about him killing Ivor freaked me out and I wanted nothing more then to forget about it but now I wasn't  afraid of Lucius. Like I mentioned before I feel a strong pull and always want to be around him.

January 3 1980
Fatal Affair
The past week Lucius has been really nice to me. Jovita asked us both if we had seen Tom. We had not. That's went Lucius told me (by writing on his notepad) that he had some business to take care of. I was sad he had to go but he like me play on his tricycle while he was gone. After about 30 minutes I saw Jovita again. She was crying though. She ran out to the balcony and I was looking through the door to the balcony by Lucius's door. I was going to ask her what happened but Lucius was already out there with her. She was crying over the edge and she was holding something in her hands but put it in her pocket. That's when Lucius stuck out his arm and she looked up. She climbed up on the railing and spread her arms out. She jumped off and Lucius came back in and signalled me to go back into his room. Neither of us batted an eye.

Hey everyone sorry for the short chapter. I'm really just trying to get a lot of chapters out before the summer cuz I don't know how much time I'll have over the summer to write these. On a happier note I got 1K reads😄 thank you to everyone who has read my story at least once or has been reading these since I started this fanfic. I love and appreciate all of you! Make sure to favorite, comment, share it, and follow me on my Instagram(lucius_wagner_333) for updates! Anyways this was 623 words (like I said really short) hopefully I'll post another chapter sometime this upcoming weekend (but don't take my word) so until next time peace peace!

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