LuciusxFemaleReader story
When Y/N parents die she moves in with their close friends at Dante Manor. Whenever she gets close to someone something happens to them. What's with the deaths and murders and most importantly what is up with that creepy b...
Disclaimer: This story contains bad language, references to things (such as satan, drugs alcohol, violence, sex, etc) and all the stuff in the game Lucius 1, 2, and 3. I do not own any of the art. If you don't like or agree with any of these things please leave. I do not own any of the characters or the rights to Lucius. Chapter 8 December 25, 1979 Lucius POV I was standing over a dead Alistair I had used my powers to kill him and it was a great death. Watching him slip, struggle to get up, seeing the terror on his face when he realized his fate and then when the icicle impaled him in his eye and straight through his head. And now it was time for presents ^-^ "Lucius would you be so kind as to go get Y/N," my mother told me. I went up the stairs and went to my room to get the black box father had given me the night I learned to mind control people. It was strange because that night I did end up in bed but instead of waking up to sunlight, the black remained. When I glanced at my clock I saw it was 3:10. I didn't know why I wasn't sent back into sleep but I was going to use this opportunity to get Y/N's cross necklace. I crept out of my room and down the hall. When I opened Y/N's door she turned over and was facing the wall. I flinched, I didn't want to get caught. I entered the room and snuck up to her bed. I clipped the necklace and pulled it off her. Unfortunately, she turned and faced me at that moment. My eyes became wide as I prayed to my father that she wouldn't open her eyes. Thankfully she didn't and she went back to sleep. She looked so peaceful and beautiful while she was sleeping. I headed back to my room with the necklace and stopped in the hall. Did I just call Y/N beautiful? What the hell was I thinking and what the hell is wrong with me? I shook it off and opened the door to the balcony. I couldn't throw it because she would find it and I couldn't put it in my room because it would hurt. I decided to place it as far away from my room as possible and I'd dispose of it tomorrow. I dropped the necklace and entered my room and climbed into bed. The next day I hid the necklace in the attic corner the farthest away from my room. No one would ever find it there. Y/N did notice it was missing though and has been looking for it ever since but she's never even gotten close to where it is. Snapping out of my thoughts I grabbed the black box and my notepad and a pencil and went to Y/N's room. When I got there I seemed to startle her as she jumped back a bit. "Ah...uh, Lucius you scared me...err, I guess it's time to go downstairs for presents" I nodded and she followed me in silence. When we got downstairs Y/N and I sat around the tree while the adults turned their chairs to face the tree. Jovita and Susan were passing presents around. Susan handed Y/N a red box with a golden bow. "To Y/N from Nancy, Charles, and Lucius" Y/N read out loud. Mother must've put my name on there because the only thing I got her was what's in the box and even I don't know what that is. When she opened it she pulled out a red and black dress.
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I didn't hear what she said afterward because I was staring at a big box. The box was then pushed my way and when I opened it, it revealed the tricycle I wanted. "Merry Christmas Lucius" mother said. I wrote on the notepad "merry Christmas" back. After opening a few more presents I decided it was time to give Y/N mine I tapped her on the shoulder and held out the box.
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She stared at it for a few seconds before lifting it out of my hands saying thank you. Opening the box revealed a beautiful black and red necklace.
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She stared at it in aw before looking up at me and smiling with a huge smile. "I love it Lucius!" She exclaimed before nearly knocking me over when she hugged me. "It's so pretty. I did need a new necklace after losing the last one so thank you!" I had never seen her this happy before. "Oh wait! I have to give you your present." She then handed me a green box with a red bow. It turned out to be a stuffed grey rabbit with an eyepatch and a little suit.
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(If you get this reference I fucking love you and comment in the comments if you get where it's from) "I hope you like it," she said. I wrote down that I did and she then asked me to help her put the necklace on I agreed and helped her put it on but the strangest thing happened when I did her E/C (eye color) changed. It got darker and her pupils got wider. Then she got a dizzy disoriented look on her face. "Hey Lucius I don't feel so good" and then she fell passed out in the arms. Well, ain't this just great I thought while the others crowded around us trying to figure out what happened to Y/N.
Comment(especially if you know where that rabbit is from), share, favorite, follow my Instagram lucius_wagner_333 so you never miss an update 977 words I'll see you guys another time peace peace