Revenge/Sweet Chapter 1 (Pic of Liv/Full book cover)

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Chapter One

Chapter One

"Honey." My mom spoke in a soothing voice.

I could feel the rope biting deep into my arms, wrist, and ankles. I had a steady flow of tears streaking down my face.

"Everything is going to be fine. I just want you to close your eyes and think of the stars." my mother spoke softly to me.

I shook my head unable to take my eyes off my parents. They were tied to the chairs right across from, bleeding from the multiple wounds across their bodies. Their faces remained strong and fierce.

"Liv, do you hear me?" my mother asked

"Mommy" I sobbed uncontrollably.

"Olivia, do as I say." My mother said kindly.

"Liv honey, listen to your mother." My father said, smiling to me with his kind, loving smile.

"But i'm scared." I cried hysterically.

"Everything is going to be okay, we're going to be fine. I promise." My mother said reassuringly.

A low chuckle came from the dark corner of the room. "This is all really touching..." Said the man, a true living nightmare, and emerged from the shadows.

He was tall, but looked young. He had tattoos everywhere. He had a scar stretching from the corner of his mouth to the back of his jaw just under his ear on his right side. He walked over to me, cocked his arm back, and swung so hard it knocked my chair back, cracking my head on impact, and snapping the bones in my arms.

I began to see black spots.

"You bastard! Don't you dare touch my daughter again!" my mother raised her voice.

"Harm me, but do not touch another hair on my daughter." My father said in such a horrible voice I started to shake.

The man kept laughing and picked me and the chair back up. He traced his finger on my cheek and bent close to my ear.

"I think you're going to enjoy this sweetheart." and then stood up and walked to the middle to stand half way between my parents and I. I heard a click and I saw my mother and fathers eyes go wide.

"Honey. Honey! LIV! I love you so much. I know you're going to do great things in life. Don't hold back. Take care of your brother for us. Tell him we loved him very much." My mother said and let slip one tear.

"I love you baby. Be strong. Promise us you'll make sure you take care of your brother. I love you both so sooo much. Never be afraid, it'll only hold you back in life. We are so very proud of who you're becoming. Don't stop loving and living, my little pea." My father said and one tear slid down his cheek as well.

"I promise." I said gasping and sobbing.

"Now close your eyes, Liv." My mother and father instructed.

So I closed my eyes and heard that mans sick laughter. My eyes shot back open just as I saw the man pull the trigger on my father and then my mother.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I screamed a blood curdling scream.

I shot up out of my bed drenched in a cold sweat. I reached up under my hair and traced the brand of the man's initials he burned into the side of my neck along the hair line, behind my ear. The man forever haunted my dreams. His name is Maverick Petrov. He's a well known assassin and took out my parents when I was eight years old. I was ten years old when the police told me he'd gone underground and lost any trace of him, but I had a feeling they knew right away that they were going find him. They told me it was no use trying to find a ghost. It was also the day I ran from the foster home with my brother. It was also the day that I swore to myself when the time comes; I will kill Maverick Petrov myself.

I'm sixteen years old now living with my twelve year old genius brother in a rundown New York flat. I do what I can when I can to send my brother to the top Academy in New York, St. Andrews. I may not be proud of what I have to do to get the money, but I made a promise to my parents to care for Baize and that's exactly what i'm doing.

Supposedly my parents left baize and I a nice sum of money, but I'm not allowed to touch it till I turn eighteen.

So I've made deals with the devil and do extracurricular activities to help us get by.

I sling my hair up into a high ponytail and look over to my side to a curled up figure.

"Baize, wake up. It's 6:30." I said gently shaking him trying to wake him up for school. "Baize, you're going to be late."

With that he jumped out of bed and ran for the shower. My brother hated being late. He was all about school and being on time. He's at the top of his class and such a sweet heart.

I made my way to the kitchen to make him French toast while he showers and gets ready for school.

"Ahh thanks Liv. It looks delicious." Baize said excitedly running over to the counter top.

"No problem Baize." I said smiling while making my way to the shower. "I'll be ready in 15 minutes."

"OKaayy, love you." I heard baize reply through a mouth full of food as I hopped in the shower.

"Love you too kid!" I shouted back to him as the warm water from the shower washed away my living nightmare.

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