Revenge/Sweet Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen

As soon as I stepped out of my car I saw Nate was already out of his and walking my way. My heart started to flutter with two emotions: love and heartbreak. When he finally made his way to me after passing through crowds of people trying to talk to him, I looked in his eyes and felt my heart tug towards him as I made a step towards him then stopped myself. I quickly dodged around him and started to run away from him, needing to put distance between us so I couldn't hurt him. I felt people staring but I didn't care at the moment, I just need to get safely in class so he couldn't talk to me.

I was mentally cursing Nate for making me wear this dress as I felt it riding up and my gun rub against the inside of my thigh. Seeing as I didn't have jeans I had to refer to my thigh holster to stash my gun in this tiny dress. I was passing through a large group of the "popular kids" when Nate caught up to me. He grabbed my hand, spun me around, wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me hard into his body, and kissed me. Instead of pulling away and running again, my body automatically responded to him. I heard gasps, murmurs, 'oh my gods', 'no ways', I actually heard a girl cry, no joke! But I could care less, I blocked everyone else out as I laced my hands through his hair and pulled him closer to me. After what felt like forever, Nate finally pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine with his eyes closed.

"I will follow you to the end of the world and back, Liv." he whispered to me reminding me what he said earlier in the shower.

I heard more gasps, some 'damns!" from the guys, a few 'awww's' from some girls, and some more outrageously explicit words that I'd rather not repeat from the hoes, but I couldn't even get mad. I mean come on, I got the guy, how could I get mad over what some jealous cow says?! Well except when a specific cow named Mandi directly confronts me.

"You bitch! Get your filthy little paws off my boyfriend!" she screeched so loud and high pitched I'm sure the all the dogs in the neighborhood heard her.

I smiled and raised my eyebrows as I pulled my face away from Nate's and turned my head to look at her. Wow, she looked mad. She was like three different shades of red. If she keeps this up her blood pressure will go through the roof, poor girl. "Well for one; these..." I said wiggling my hands at her "...are not paws. And if I remember correctly they're pretty clean. Nate made sure of that in the shower this morning. Two: I think you may be just a tad bit jealous that these so called "filthy little paws" get to do this..." I said as I turned back towards Nate and looked up into his amused filled face, wrapped my arms around his waist, and grabbed his ass with both hands. "...anytime they want." I finished not taking my eyes from Nate. He had the biggest smile on his face I actually giggled like a little girl. "Stop smiling." I whispered but couldn't keep the smile off my own face.

"I can't." he replied biting his lip and smiling at me at the same time. "You just told everyone we took a shower together this morning. And your hands are on my ass for the entire school to see. Do you know how hot that is?!" He looked like he was glowing and I couldn't stop thinking that I was the one making him happy.

"So why aren't you kissing me?!" I asked, but implied that it was more of a demand than a question.

His smile only got bigger and as he leaned closer to kiss me, blondie had to ruin the moment of course.


"Oh. Wow. This must be serious; she used your full name." I said trying to keep my tone serious but on the verge of laughter.

Nate looked the opposite of laughter; he looked murderous. He turned his head slowly towards her way but kept me tight in his arms.

"Seriously? Mandi, we went on one date last year. ONE! And the entire time I felt like pulling my hair out. You throwing yourself at me every day and me putting up with it never meant I liked you. I was trying not to hurt your feelings but seriously, you're off your rocker. Stop making a fool out of yourself and walk away." He said trying to control the tone of his voice but let slip a bit of acid. I couldn't stop myself from laughing as I buried my face against Nate's chest trying to muffle the sound. I felt Nate's chest lightly vibrate as he started to chuckle slightly and place a kiss on top of my head.

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