Revenge/Sweet Chapter 21

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i hope you all like it :-) sorry i kept you all waiting. oh and sorry for all the previous chapters and this one not being edited, i try and go back rereading them and fixing the mistakes so the make sense...

Chapter twenty-one

"I've been coming here every day for four years waiting... hoping... praying that one day you'll show up... Aren't you supposed to be in school?" Brody whispers to me still with his back facing away from me staring into the water..

How does he even know I'm here? I thought I was pretty quiet when I walked up... guess not. I don't even know what to say so I stay silent for a few minutes before finally breaking the silence.

"I had a break down today..." I whisper as I watch my feet nervously kick a few aqua colored pebbles.

I still couldn't believe he was here. The reason I didn't come back to this place was because I couldn't stand to be here, knowing what the past held, the memories, and the loss. Brody and I found this place together, we made the path together, and no one ever knew of this place. Brody and I would come here every day and not a single soul stumbled upon us. It's beautiful, quiet, peaceful, and the scenery is unreal. It had large smooth boulders placed sporadically around the spring. Some were actually big and flat enough that you could stretch out and relax on it comfortably. The spring was a clear teal color that was full of life and colorful small minnows. There was a large rock wall that had a small stream waterfall that would lightly trickle into the spring. Some places there was grass, in others there was sand with small, smooth purple and teal pebbles decorating the ground. Small purple/white wild flowers ran wild over the ground as a few dandelions featured themselves giving the ground a surreal look. The small spring was surrounded in a circle of the most beautiful trees in bloom with my favorite flower, Magnolia's, while pines trees went out far and wide making this place our own world.

Brody snaps his head around to look at me and I watched as his eyes widen in shock. He jumps off the boulder and catches me in an embrace as I bury my head in his chest.

"When was the last one?" he asks me softly as he rests his chin on the top of my head.

"You should remember... it was with you." I said as my words were muffled by his chest.

"You mean when you were ten? That day..." he says hesitantly.

"Yea... that day." I sigh as I feel him hug me tighter.

"What happened this time?" he asks as he gently strokes my back slowly and comforting.

"I punched a girl and broke her nose." I said nonchalantly.

Brody just laughed at me and I could feel him shake his head. "Start from the begging... and don't leave out a detail." He said as he led me over to the quilt we used to bring out here when we were younger.

We both laid back and got comfortable before I dove into every detail that was going through my head. "Maverick comes in two days to kill me and I still don't know why or who put the mark on me. I also met this guy, Nate. I really care about him. Brody, I think I'm in love with him. But I can't bring myself to say it to him for... well, two main reasons I guess." I pause as I pick a flower and start picking the pedals before continuing.

"You know the first. You know how I feel about relationships and letting people in and get close to me. The only person I let myself love is my brother. And then this guy comes in and tears down every wall that I've spent nine years building. The second reason being I might not be alive in two days. I don't want to lead him or myself on to only have it taken away too soon. I don't want to hurt him and if I finally admit to him how I feel, then I won't be able to take on Petrov..." I trail off as my voice catches at the end when I realize everything in me is telling me to find Nate and have the safety of his arms around me.

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