Revenge/Sweet Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen

"You have three options; option one: you let me walk away. Option two: I shoot you and walk away. Option three: you shoot me now because there is no way in hell i'm going in alive. You have ten seconds to choose. Then I make the decision." I said clicking my safety off and aiming for his eyes seeing as that's the weakest point in his gear.

"Liv?" wait. I recognized that voice. I watched as the officer took his helmet off, and then slipped his head through the large hole where the eyes were. My mouth dropped open in shock.

"Brody!?" I finally managed to breathe out and pulled my hoodie back, revealing my face.

We stood in silence for a few minutes until he finally broke the silence. "Why?! Tell me why you f*cking stopped talking to me! I'm holding you in the hospital one night and that's the last I ever heard or saw from you! WHY!?" he screamed at me and still had his gun raised in my face.

"I got picked up by the Mafia. I was struggling with Baize and his school tuition. They offered to pay for it and help us out as much as I let them. They gave me only one rule to follow, to not have contact with any type of law enforcement, especially you. I didn't want to stop talking to you Brody, but I had to do it for Baize. Please understand. And please let me go, I really don't want to have to shoot you." I said steadying my gun aiming right in between his eyes making my eyes turn stone cold like his.

He was just about to answer when I heard a snarl to my right. I looked over and I saw a German Shepherd hauling ass my way and launch into the air. "Ah SHIT!" I managed to say before I was tackled to the ground and screamed out in pain as I felt it clench its teeth in my arm and start to shake my arm like a rag doll. "Don't make me shoot the dog! I don't want to hurt it, I don't want hurt it, please get it off me before I have to shoot it!" I was screaming as I struggled with the dog.

"I can't! The dog only listens to its owner! Shit! Liv, I don't know what to do!" Brody said frantically looking down both ends of the alley. No one was coming.

"Forgive me." I whispered. I grabbed the skin by his ribs and pulled out. I kicked out hard making the dog release his hold, and brought the gun that was still in my hand and shot the dog through his pulled out skin. His piercing howl filled the air and I cringed at the sound but stood slightly shrugging out of my hoodie, then slipped my shirt off. I pressed it to the dogs' side, unwrapped the tape from one of my hands and rewrapped the shirt to the dogs' side trying to stop the wound from bleeding. I pet his head gently "I'm so sorry." I whispered before standing up and shrugged my hoodie back on leaving it unzipped.

I grabbed my gun off the ground and aimed it back at Brody. "Please, I need to find Baize! He snuck out to watch me fight, he was back there in the melee, I need to make sure he's okay. I didn't mean to hurt anybody, but it's Baize were talking about, you know I would do anything, even if it was crazy, if that meant us staying together. Let me go." I pleaded with my eyes and I could see his defenses slowly breaking

I heard shouting getting closer and I knew if I wasn't gone in ten seconds I was caught. I turned to leave and felt a hand pull me back. "Stay with the dog." I said then ripped my hand out of his grasp and ran down the alley.

I was running, listening to the sounds around me when I realized I wasn't alone. I stopped and pulled my gun out on the follower. Brody stood there with his arms up in surrender. "Don't shoot."

"Brody, what are you doing here!? I said..."

He cut me off "I know what you said. But i'm not letting you get away after I just found you." He said sternly

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